I couldn’t find anything else to hold the cake pops upright

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I don’t understand why this is tagged as “No Recipe.” Clearly, the recipe is:


– Cake pops

– Potato


Poke cake pop sticks into the potato. Let stand.


if it’s stupid but it works, it is NOT stupid🤣

Cover with foil or wrapping paper and no one will ever know. How will they know? Great job

PO-TA-TOES! Boil em, mash em, stick a cake pop in em.

Your cake poptato stands are quite a-peeling. I yam impressed.

This is a creative way, I am crying😂

Ehh, don’t worry about presentation…it’s the tot that counts 🥔

I feel like I just wasted money on a drying stand that I don’t really like. You’re a genius. Next time I’ll go potato route.

plug a wire in to connect the two potato halves to see if any of your cake pops light up 💡

“PO-TAY-TOES! Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick a cake pop in ’em.”

This is so brilliant 😂

When in doubt…. Potato.

If it works, it works.

I love how versatile potatoes are, but I never thought of this use

Oh man. Good engineering. Good problem solving!

Nice, and it’s compostable 😂👏

Cover the potato in chocolate and see who eats it lol

Actually this is brilliant. If for some reason foam or whatever flakes off, it’s on your cake pops. If the potato has a bit come off, it’s edible! Plus potatoes suction themselves to some cutting boards. Haha! Pipe some frosting onto the potatoes and no one will know!

I’m guilty of sticking them into a lumps of slime before 😱😭😂

I would usually say styrofoam, but I like your idea better 😂

Just hot glue cotton balls or pom poms all over the potatoes and nobody would know what was underneath. Lol.

boil them, mash them, stick them on your kitchen worktop to use a cake uprights

If it works, it works.

Clever 😂

Make the tater festive, cover it in glitter!

I LOVE it!
Simple and easy. Get’s the job done.

Bake the potato. Part of this complete dinner.

Love it! Pretty creative mind!

This is the perfect time to plant those seedlings

Cover the potato in chocolate or paint it a metallic color. No one will ever know.

Those look delicious.

You can add tin foil over the potatoes to make them feel fancy if necc

A little aluminum on the potatoes would have made the effect more aesthetic

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