I definitely do not want this!

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High speed rail would mean it would be easier than ever for the average US citizen to travel around the country and become more interconnected with others across the nation.

The oligarchs would never go for it.

Dems have been proposing this for YEARS, and the Cons have done nothing but push back.

But put king Don’s name on it and they cream themselves.

[edit] I didn’t know OP was an anti-Trumper using reverse psychology. 😆

Only because tRumpers are on the no fly list

You know what? If slapping Trump’s name on it is what it takes to finally get high speed trains in America, I’m on board. Go for it.

Maybe if we create a fake “Trans Against Trains” campaign, we can get republicans to build a national high speed rail network out of spite.

Yes America… go back to your roots… you did have trains connecting all major cities, but then you decided that you didn’t need them

Join us once again in the 20th century

Maybe that’s the secret, act like we’re against everything we want and make conservatives give it to us through reverse psychology.

Well sadly trump saying it will happen is the fastest way to know it never will.

How dare we begin investing in making more efficient and reliable modes of transporting resources and people! This is a travesty my poor soy boy Socialist heart can’t handle.

He’ll hand it to Musk, who’s had such success making high speed conveyances between major cities!

This is a farce. Republicans have killed numerous high speed rail projects. In California, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin and others.

I want life to be affordable they keep bringing up stuff that dosent matter

Before it departs, the loud speaker system onboard would first loudly announce how fast and how beautifully it would run, then starts blasting “YMCA” and “God Bless America” but as soon as it starts it would actually just start moving backwards *off the track* and to go on a aimless tangent, then it’d blame everyone on the train for it. All the while trying to sell you a whole bunch of merchs.

I’m sure all the rednecks in the sticks won’t sabotage it like they do to electric substations.

High speed rail in the US, proper high speed rail, would be fantastic. But nothing tainted by Trump’s touch is ever good. Fortunately this would be yet another project, if he is even involved in it, that he will fail to implement.

But I would love to see real high speed rail developed all over the US, that would be terrific.

All up and down both coasts, a couple of north/south runs in the middle, and then a northern, middle (maybe), and southern route running east/west. So a grid of 5 to 7 such rail systems with a few feeder lines into them. Piece of cake.

Don’t worry, Elon Musk will promise that his company is going to make this happen for five years to prevent any states from making their own headway on a light rail system and then he will say just kidding. I was just fucking around and jerking off to inflate my stock price.

Wait suddenly magans are pretending like they like trains and want to invest in trains? But isn’t that the govt trying to control how and where you can go

Honestly wouldn’t even mind if Trump did thi-

Just so we’re clear. Hayden, who proposed the “Trump Train,” is not MAGA, but is proposing the name because maybe MAGA would actually support mass transit.

As I California Democrat, I am against these high-speed trains. Please don’t build them like the ones Japan uses.

If they really want to piss me off, they can start with a route between New York and Chicago. I would be so OWNED!!

This is the only way to get the majority of conservatives to get anything done since they decided to base their entire existence on owning/triggering the libs.

Indonesia got a high speed train from China. Even india is building its own trainsets on Japanese designed tracks.

Why is the US left behind on public transport.

The fact that this is A picture of Siemens’s bid for the CAHSR train sets makes this so effing epic

Actually, our Shaolin Kung Fu group was just in China July of 2024 traveling all over the country, in the past we would hop on multiple planes and occasionally take a slower train here and there. But China built a series of very fast rail trains that top out at about 300mph (The Trump Train has always been a little slow) They travel quite quickly between cities and you get to see the entire beautiful countryside while traveling. One major problem is people will have to understand you cannot be on these tracks because by the time you see or hear it coming you are already splattered. But the travel was very fast and convenient. China is about the same size as the United States and the cities are enormous, but it also has a ton more space between each city. The United States having a bunch of suburbs and urban areas may make this more dangerous. But usually for high speed trains you have to have elevated tracks or tunnels to avoid these problems.

This actually sounds like a good plan that would legitimately benefit the public, and that’s how I know the idea didn’t come from Trump

The train will be made in China

Yes, yes! Leftists hate the idea of public transportation! Trumpists, please never build this train. It will completely destroy leftists. Oh, and it will also mean there will be no more trans people. No, no, no! Don’t do it!

Gonna end up like the *Springfield Monorail*

Anyone thinking of the Simpsons episode with the monorail?

Shut the fuck up trumpers. You’ve done enough. Goddamn

Weren’t the right wings AGAINST this and instead wanted more car-focused roads?? what sup with this flip?

Why would more rail networks be a bad thing anyway? It’s always something I’ve found odd about America that you don’t really have much of a national rail system.

A tgv from the clown who removed rail safety guardrails sounds brilliant 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Those crazy MAGA in CA are building just that. Please stop them from building more or the libs will go crazy. 🤪

MAGA doesn’t even know what in the fuck they’re voting for. Better public transportation is a leftist idea that combats the car centric concrete hellscape our country has created as a means to prop up the auto industry during the 20th century.

Countries like China and Japan are far ahead of us when it comes to passenger trains and mass transit because they’ve invested in these things instead of cucking for megalomaniac businesses.

Whether you want it or not doesnt matter, it’s not going to happen. At best there may be a line made between like NYC and D.C., or some other city in the north east. There won’t be a full nation wide system though.

Our current rail lines aren’t built for high-speed, so entirely new lines will need to be built. There might be some profit at the very start, but once hype dies off so would any profits. We have no other rail lines that could soak up some of the costs of building the new high-speed lines. So while tickets may be “cheap” when first opening, it won’t be long before the tickets cost to much for the common American.

Point is, if there was any realistic way of actually making a big enough profit for creating a high speed train system across America to be worth doing. The few major RR companies in this country would have already done it.

At the end of the day the only thing that was stopping progress are the far right.

If we need to start crafting narratives that the left hated something and that fearless dear leader should do it to spite us – I’m ok with that.

If they have such frail egos like 5 year olds and only get behind an idea of its “theirs” then let them have the good ideas. We can pretend to like all the bullshit they are about.

please own the libs and make high speed trains. please

Ew I hate it so much and really hope they don’t!! Elon wouldn’t break his hyper loop promises would he? Man, my dumb leftist ass would be so OWNED if they did this!

As long as he pays for it, he can call it the fucking “Cheezit Prick Express” for all I care.

In Ohio they built a new toll road with an agreement by the state for a no compete agreement. No mass transit no new non toll roads.

You know what? I would totally be cool with calling it the Trump train if that was the compromise needed to build the political will to make this a reality. I don’t like Trump one bit, but I like trains, and seeing his name is a small price to pay. If Trump wasn’t so captured by oligarchs, I wonder if there would actually be room to convince him to sign of on good policy just by branding it with his name. I mean that’s all he really cares about, right?

It will be half built and then the next dem congress if there is one will get blamed for not finishing it.

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