I did NOT expect Larian to add new subclasses

By voin947
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I literally cannot wait to make a Cleric Death Domain and Karlach a Barb Way of the Giant. Stuff Karlach´s pockets full of corpses and use them as a tactical nukes as she throws them at the enemy and then i detonate them with Corpse Explosion.

Absolute Cinema.

ok but they cooked with a lot of the other subclasses and made them better/more fun, so I’m curious to see how they’ll fix Arcane Archer.

And don’t forget arrows of many target exist

Honestly hyped for arcane Archer. I was really let down by it in DnD but BG3 has improved/fixed some other subclasses. So I have hope.

Circle of stars is all I needed to be happy with druid

Barbarian and Warlock are the first two I am gonna give a go.
I wanted to start another Barbarian run anway but I guess that one has to wait a bit longer now.

Time to start over again to experience the new subclasses

Not familiar with the tabletop subclasses so much. What’s wrong with arcane archer?


Flip the last two for me. Half of Hexblade’s kit is already rolled into Pact of the Blade in BG3 & there’s no plot relevance to the Raven Queen or any powerful sentient weapons. But seeing all they did to revamp Berserker & Monk I can’t wait to see what they come up with for Arcane Archer.

Arrr, I be waitin’ fer the swashbuckler to show these scallywags at camp how it’s done.

This is me but with Oath of the Crown. Like imagine how good Conquest or Redemption could be just in terms of interactions, like being an Oath of Redemption and saving Minthara. But Crown? Really that’s the paladin class they had to choose?

Me? I’m stoked for Bladesinger.

Tbh Im really excited for swarmkeeper. I played one for a one shot and it was a really good time. He was a wood elf… so a boost to dex plus archery as fighting style… also rolled really well during cc so he was absolutely mopping the floor at level 6. It was fucking ridiculous. Im so excited. I wonder how they’ll handle the swarm… Solarian may get his own bg run.

They’re going to have to come up with an actual reason to play hexblade since Pact of the Blade already gives you CHA for weapon attacks.

I’m assuming they’ll find a way to make arcane archer good and that would be sick.

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Oh I’m going full Mothman as soon as I can

Death domain will be added for real ? It’s time for another cleric playthrough I suppose.

Official swashbuckler, baby!

Is arcane archer that bad? I was planning to play it

Can not wait for my shadow hound puppy!

I am so silly. I thought they already had a death domain, but then I remembered I have been playing a Light Cleric of Kelimvor. . .somehow. Don’t ask me to explain it.

Im guessing they didnt do rune knight because of too much overlap with path of the giant. however, they are definetly gonna take some homebrew liberties with this update, so if I were to guess they are gonna buff arcane archer.

In fact I know they are gonna buff it. In the little video of arcane archer they shared, they had 4 total uses of arcane shot. And while they were definetly overleveled for the fight its shown in, they are definetly not level 10 or higher when you get the 4th shot. If they keep the fact that you can regain all shots on a short rest, that means at minimum its 12 shots per long rest, which is pretty good. Plus with all the crazy arrows and stuff, arcane archer is gonna go crazy

Wait, they’re adding new subclasses to baldur’s gate iii?

i was hoping Ranger was gonna get Fey Wanderer but Swarmkeeper is also a banger Ranger Subclass. Also Circle of Stars for Druid is so god damn cool

I wonder what choices will break oath of the crown!

Super excited for shadow sorcerer too, played it before in a one shot, having a shadow dog is fun.

Swashbuckler being added right after I reached Act 3 with my Rogue/Bard pirate-themed character is heart-breaking lmao.










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