I disliked Ohio State fans before. Now I hate them

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The fuck did Dolly Parton ever do? She’s like the least hateable human alive

If there’s anything that could unite this country…


We found Joline guys

There is just no legitimate reason for this

This dork has leaked his way from r/cfbmemes to here. Yeah, everyone is together on “fuck this guy”

Posting this image in r/unpopularopinion would win the year.

That is downright un-American.


Anyone who would wear that shirt is clearly the most ignorant moron alive.

I am irrationally angry about this.

as a ohio state fan, this man should be executed

Bold move Cotton, let’s see how this plays out for him

I would if I could pal

That woman’s a god damned national treasure. If you’ve got a problem with dolly then you’ve got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate.

Dolly is a National Treasure! She is an Angel disguised as a human

As a buckeye fan, we do not claim this man

Genuinely, I would like to know this man’s motivation for saying that. Apart from the excellent music, Dolly Parton does a lot of charity work. What am I missing?

We love you, Dolly.

Bro i never heard a single bad thing about Dolly Parton. I understand she is from Tennessee but damn caught a stray 😂

Who hates Dolly Parton, that’s like disliking joy and goodness.

The poor man has been misunderstood. He really is into Dolly Parton. This is him shooting his shot, hoping Dolly will see and invite him over.

Does Ohio have a bet with Florida on who can be the shittiest of the shittiest?

Dolly sends my kid books every month and I will shit in this man’s mouth if he wears that shirt in front of me.


them be fightin werds….getem

Most hated made in the world.

Who hates Dolly wtf?!

How can you not like Dolly Parton? Even if you don’t like her music, she’s one of the most wholesome people on the planet. She acts how rich people SHOULD act.

Just a troll. Whats to understand? It’s college football. A fan poisoned my towns trees.

so I’ve seen this picture posted twice but where’s the picture of him getting his head handed to him? a lot of people feel strongly about Dolly being just the absolute best and would happily punch someone in the face for this. even if it would make Dolly a little sad that you punched a guy.

If you got a problem with dolly you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that marinate

Ohio State fan here. He doesn’t speak for us.

What kind of self inseminating, dog ball washing, chunk of pearl fish shit, useless pile of toxic detritus fucks with Dolly? She’s one of the top coolest peeps. Up there with Mr. Rogers.

I hate this guy more than the CEO but less than the bug spray guy.

How can anyone hate Dolly. She is amazing, she gives books to little kids


She’s a goddamn American treasure. Anyone who hates Dolly can go straight to hell

I hate country music. I am not a Tennessee fan. Still, I want to fight this man.

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