I don’t even understand how this happened. What should I do?

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Judging from the pattern, I guess top left screw on the glass was too tight?

Over-torqued the screw?
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Put gloves on and get a bucket.

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Packing tape the remove it

Add 3M clear film and leave it. Looks sweet!

I think we need a separate sub Reddit for smashed case panels lol, seems like it’s common.

buy a case that doesnt have a glass panel… we dont have these problems with metal

I still don’t understand how this happens, do you people tighten those screws with a screwdriver or something? They are designed to be put on by hand. So you twist them til they’re flush. Also make sure they have the rubber grommets on them.

It looks like the bottom left corner screw was too tight and started a mechanical stress of the panel. It is a safety panel so it only needs one molecule breakage before the whole panel is in pieces.

Don’t try to fix it, it looks cool like this lol

Frame it, put it in a museum and call it art.

Coat it in tape and then remove.

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Can I post the meme next time

I would replace it…

i would put tape all over it while its still kindda solide, then try to take it off in one piece

Use duck tape and gently see if you can grab all the pieces. Just lightly apply and when it’s covered lean it tords your and smooth it out. Then remove. It probably broke because of epicure difference or some nut was too tight

I’m sorry this happened 🙁

* **Internal stress**: Manufacturing imperfections or built-in tension can weaken the glass.
* **Tiny flaws or chips**: Small, often invisible damage compromises structural integrity.
* **Temperature changes**: Sudden heat or cold can cause the glass to expand or contract unevenly, leading to failure.
* **External impacts**: Previous bumps or pressure, even if minor, may cause delayed shattering.
* **Overtightening**: Screwing glass panels too tightly into place can create excessive localized pressure, causing cracks or shattering.
* **Tempered glass design**: It’s engineered to shatter into small, safer pieces when it breaks, so minor stress can trigger a sudden break.

Avoid PC cases with glass panels in future.

Make rainbow uh…. Plastic polymer spread (why can i remember what its made of but not its name, uhhhh RESIN THATS THE NAME)

Make rainbow resin and seal the glass.

Don’t sneeze

you sneezed wrong
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Tension on the glass. Gloves and a dustpan.

Other than replace it? Stick a bit of dye on it and seal it with epoxy.

Place clear tape carefully and remove as one piece or poke the middle.

this is the second time in a day to have shattered busted panel already!
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Thats artwork right there. A lot of people pay extra for an effect like that on your case. You will just never be able to touch it or open it ever again.

like ice shards on a winter lake, oh look at the photo above. coincidence?

Glass has surface tension.

Get a big transparent plastic film and coat the outside of the glass. Then take out the glass carefully and put the plastic film on the other side. Now put it back

You have a cool looking glass case with a broken glass effect

Cover this in tape before you try and loosen any screws. This will crumble into a million pieces

Can i just say how it looks like frozen water and it fits the white team so incredibly well? If only this could be preserved in like epoxy or something to make it safe and use it like this!

Would this happen if one corner is over tightened? Or if the grommet is missing, and it’s just metal on glass? Just trying to figure out how this is happening so often.

It seems to propagate from the top left screw.

To answer your question: try and stick a sheet of contact paper on the whole piece without agitating or disturbing it too much, or just tape the length of the entire pane until it’s fully covered, and slowly start undoing the screws and extracting the panel.

Good luck

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> What should I do?

Not buy cases with glass side panels.

Get a case that doesn’t put screws through a piece of glass 👍

Starting to think some of ya’ll need a torque screwdriver.

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