I don’t get it

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Whitney Houston had a song called “I’m every woman.”

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Based on context, I will assume Whitney Houston (a famous singer that even I recognize by name and voice) had a song called “I’m every woman.”

Oh man haha that’s a good one.

Finally, jokes that are worth explaining on the sub!

One of Whitney Houston’s more popular songs has the chorus “IM EVERY WOMAN”

Name a woman?

Amelia Earhart

It’s all in mueeeeeeeeeeeeee

Miss, for a dollar, name a woman

The correct answer could also have been “Chaka Khan”

I totally thought the joke was that Whitney Houston was the only woman to exist đź’€

Chuckled out loud at that one

Chaka Khan, dammit!

Aabba Aadvarj, Aabba Aagard, Aabba Aakesson, Aabba Aalbers, Aabba Aalto, Aabba Aamodt, Aabba Aanenson, Aabba Aardema, Aabba Aarhus, Aabba Aaronson, Aabba Aasland, Aabba Aavik, Aabba Abadi, Aabba Abadie, Aabba Abadillo, Aabba Abagnale, Aabba Abahazy, Aabba Aballay, Aabba Abascal, Aabba Abate…

I tried to upvote the original post

And Chaka Khan…

Wow, Whitney’s cover is incredible but this is truly a deep cut considering Chaka Khan’s IS the multi-generational standard.

That’s hilarious.

I am indeed a feminist! I got the joke… first time ever!

this is so funny

A bunch of people seem to be ignoring the first part. A common joke about gatekeeping fans is the request to “name 5 songs” or whatever to prove you are a fan. This person applies that joke to feminism( “name every woman”) and is met with the reply Whitney Houston, in reference to her song “I am Every Woman”

I believe the proper response to “Name every woman.” is “Daughter”.

Chaka Khan sang it first. I didn’t even remember Whitney Houston’s version.

The Whitney Houston joke aside, what kind of a weird challenge is that? “You’re a feminist? Name every woman.” Huh..?

THIS ONE needed to be explained?

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