I donโ€™t get it?

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Brian here.

They’re saying the grandchild of these legendary people is probably such an amazing person, they may as well be the messiah.

And no, I’m not the messiah. Wrong Brian.

Kurt Cobain and Tony Hawk are basically 90s royalty. Their children coming together to create a life is like having a second chance at having a Kurt Cobain or Tony Hawk again.

The Muad’Dib the mergฤฑng of two great houses. The House of Hawk and the House of Cobain. Lisan Al Gaib!

That child is equal parts Tony hawk and Kurt Cobain.

I will let the theologians debate on his godly nature

That kid has impossible standards of cool to live up to.

Holy crap theyโ€™ve created the coolest white person.

This kid will win the 2nd grade (and beyond) โ€œmy grandpa is cooler than your grandpaโ€ argument and he doesnโ€™t even have to choose which grandpa heโ€™s talking about

This guy has the greatest ancestors any millenial/ Gen-Xer can thing about

80’s 90’s kids univerasally loved Tony Hawk due to the skatesplosion of the era.

80’s 90’s kids loved Kurt Cobain due to the anti-establishment grunge message of the era.

The two of their powers combined would be seen as the virtue equivalent of Jesus Christ mythology. A “son of god”.

Imagine a story where Keanu Reeves & Dolly Parton had a child; from a narrative standpoint, the chances of the product of the union of these two persons of love, kindness, & acceptance being the Christ-child would be immense.

Same thing here, sort of.

The heir to the 90s has arrivedย 

Sounds like a law firm…

“If you or a loved one have an asbestos related injury, you may be entitled to a cash settlement. Call the law offices of Ronin, Walker, Cobain, & Hawk today.”

People being weird about bloodlines

Keep him near half pipes and away from double barrels…

That name is a travesty, sounds like someone assembling an alternative A team

This will be the white man that ends racism and saves the world.

Looking forward to Tony Hawk telling granddad jokes

My other favorite comment when they got together was “they about to make the coolest white person ever.”

Kurt Cobain hated capitalism.

Tony Hawk was a chill dude.

So if their kid becomes a chill dude who hates them merchants, that’s pretty much Jesus.

Itโ€™s not supposed to be a joke?

Good god what an awful subreddit this is

Heir to the 1990s throne!

Nothing is impossible while skating and listening to Even Flow

Lisan al-Gaib ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

I am pretty sure it is reference to Bible – autors used to describe people like “Someone, son of X, son of Y, son of Z” and so on.

This kinda feels the same with so many people being mentioned to describe single child

Now this is a religion I can get behind.

He’s gonna shred either way or both.

My son’s name is Ronin, pretty cool they are the only ones I know that named their kid the same.

With this ancestry this guy might be the kwisatz haderach

Two bloodlines come together to birth the Kwizats Haderach

Lisan Al Gaib!

We must protect and nurture this little boy to be the man he is destined to become.

principal of awesome school

Clearly a question not posed by GenX

A bunch of nerds worshipping celebs.

Ronin Walker Cobain Hawk sounds like a soulslike boss

The boy is the grandson of 2 legends.

Ronin is on point, but shouldn’t it be Skater and not Walker? /s

I also get that Cobain Hawk is the traditional naming order, and I love that they didn’t drop Cobain as a surname some some people do. ..buuuuut Hawk Cobain rolls of the tongue more easily.

I love that these two people found each other, and I’m sure the kid will grow up with legendary tales of his grandparents. I hope he doesn’t feel the pressure of having to live up to anything but his own ambitions and that he lives a happy and fulfilling life.

The Kwizatz Haderach

I never realized Frances Bean Cobain’s name is basically Frank n Beans.

Can we stop supporting nepotism? He’s the son of the CHILDREN of two famous people, why do we even care that any of them exist let alone consider them (jokingly or not) a freaking messiah. Its just weird

They both look so much like their respective famous parents. I know people tend to look like their parents, but this is a lot. Weird

This is pretty freaking cool

Their offspring is the equivalent of the second coming of Christ.

I.e., celebrity worship continues to reach new, evermore embarrassing levels of fawning.

He is The 90s Kid!

Hawk two a

Bene Gesserits’ handy work, no doubt.

stupid millennial celebrity worship, simple as

in the US people worship celebrities, so the children of celebrities are often worshipped too.

im sorry Bean???

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