I don’t know what happened

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Depending on age, it’s common around or after 30. Simple changes like hydration, better sleep and stable blood pressure will fix it. Otherwise most of the time, you’re probably sleeping through the testosterone spike where it happens.

Maybe the wood fairy took care of it

It could be many reasons why:
– Problems with heart and blood circulation
– Low testosterone and hormonal issues
– Drugs, medication, smoking, vaping, alcohol
– Problems with prostate, weak pelvis floor muscles
– Depression, anxiety
– Age

Just don’t go crazy about things you read on the internet, a lot of ”solutions” can be harmful. Start with changing your lifestyle first, sometimes it’s not the arrow that needs fixing, it’s the bow.

I used to have that problem, but then I changed my alarm sound to random pornhub videos.

Wait until youโ€™re getting up twice a night to pee!

Most common reasons from my own experience:
– Eating too less (especially less carbs)
– Ongoing mental stress / subconscious anxiety (i stress too much of the “unknown” at work)
– Prolonged abstinence (use it or lose it is TRUE)
– Irregular sleep (roleplay make-belief stories in my head helps me sleep sooner rather than late night scrolling)
– Constipation (prunes, kiwis are godsend)

Edit: indentation


I’m 21 and I’ve literally never heard of or experienced this.

You guys are getting erect when you wake up?

You’re sleeping through the early morning testosterone spike that’s all.


Healthy diet, exercise fixed and reduced anxiety fixed it for me.

If you jack it before bed, you wonโ€™t have wood in the morning

Also drink more water

Going on 30? Welcome to your 30s kid :))

as an insomniac who takes ambien now, I still can, I just usually sleep through it now whereas before I slept lightly enough to wake up and notice.

It could be a sign of low testosterone

There are many causes of erectile dysfunction, including vascular, neuro, uro, endocrine, psych, and meds.

Hydrate, quit smoking, exercise, and eat well. Take control of any cardiovascular risk factors such as HTN, obesity, and/or diabetes. If youโ€™re depressed, have anxiety, etc, that could factor into it as well.

This is not an exhaustive list of reasons why one could have trouble with gaining and/or maintaining an erection. See your doc.

Look on the bright side. At least you can take a piss right after you wake up

You do that if you jork too much. Take a week off and youโ€™ll be shocked

It happens when you’re a female

22, trying to quit porn and masturbation. Whem I relapse, I get morning wood for few days. But when I go week or two without it, I dont get wood.

Me too but I get morning horniness

Woking legs 2 time a week can fix it

Highly recommend making sure you’re getting good sleep. It probably correlates with lower t.
Supplements I recommend for this are:
Fadogia Agrestis
TongKat Ali

Take very little fadogia, it makes your balls get bigger, no big deal.

Run. Squat. Get that blood flow back bro.

congratulations you are an adult

Do cardio. Do kegels.

Ive only had it about 3 times ever.

Im 31 and still have a high sex drive, wake up with full on boners, and stay rock solid sometimes even after ejaculation. My wife can’t keep up with me sometimes. Not sure if that’s all good or bad

Unrelated but do guys have to jerk off every morning? Or is there other ways to take care of it or whatever

Only happens to me now if I have to take a piss pretty bad lol

I’m 45 and out of shape… I get wood going to bed! granted, my boners can be floppy sometimes, but if you are younger than me and don’t get bed erections, you have a problem that should be attended to.

The Loveline dudes used to say the erection is like the dipstick for male health.

Iโ€™m here for ya.

I used to have a strong morning wood but during the covid I gained weight alot and that time I became over 30 years old. I lost morning wood.
But now, I get morning wood again.

Hereโ€™s the things you can try.

1. Weight loss : itโ€™s a basic. And everybody says the same thing. But itโ€™s important

2. Maintain testosterone : target to loose weight but do muscle workout. Donโ€™t take it difficult. Just go to gym and try machine work out. Cuz itโ€™s ez to get positioned. Do it until you fail. Repeat it
And thereโ€™re supplements to increase testosterone level. Itโ€™s not sure how effective it is. But itโ€™s not that expensive.

3. Get pelvic floor strong : thereโ€™re couple of workouts you can try at home or gym to get strong pc muscles

Iโ€™m here for ya bruh

So the transition hormones are finally kicking in?

I do

Is this actually a super common thing? Any time I wake up with one, itโ€™s because I had โ€œone of thoseโ€ dreams, I didnโ€™t realize it just happened someoneโ€™s just because itโ€™s the morning

Drink water regularily, stop eating shit food, drop the amount of carbs in your diet (beans son, cook some beans), stop drinkning soda, take a good mix of vitamins daily, and as much jumping rope as you can within 5 mins every second day. Write us back in 2 weeks. I’m 34.

Check into it with a doctor. It may be a sign of an underlying problem that should be addressed earlier rather than later.

Are you eating enough healthy fats and proteins?

High carb diets do that. Are you stressed, hydrating well?

Erection issues arenโ€™t normal at a young age



Just fix your sleep schedule, it may not sound much but it’s a game changer

After 35 nothing works like it did

Bro got nerfed. He was too OP

Time to donate your whole self to goodwill

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