I don’t know what to say.

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Maybe make the employees the shareholders how about that

“It’s a problem of motivation, all right? Now if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don’t see another dime, so where’s the motivation?

That’s my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired.”


There are Times, when I Wish I could Force These people to live the lifes of their employes for a year and two and them Comeback to discuss their stupid Statements.

Uhh, yeah. You’re absolutely fucking correct

Were they ever motivated, though. And why would we even care about making our millionaires even more millions when I can barely survive on my own?

Maybe find a way to motivate your employees better – liveable wage – not under the hammer all the time – work life balance – profit sharing for all

Maybe it’s because that’s YOUR job?

Founders name must be Shit Sherlock first name No

Luigi we need you

Sounds like a personal issue.

Finally a founder that actually understands, now what is he going to do about it?

‘We don’t give a shit about you and want to replace you with robots and monitor your every move.

Wait, why don’t you care about us?’

Panera where the employees make 11 an hour or 12 if a baker. Sure they aren’t motived by starvation wages

In all fairness, the headline is a poor summary of what the founder meant. His point in the article itself was that the average employee does not work for the shareholder’s sake and it’s absurd that anybody expects that to be a person’s motivation.

Wont somebody please think of the shareholders!?

the articles fucked because the guy basically says he gets therapy so he can understand how to manipulate people better

It’s stronger than that, I’m against the idea of none working shareholders full stop.

Im so sorry we don’t want to give millionaires more money 🙁 guess they might just need a second job, stop getting starbucks, etc. Gotta work a little more half assed if you really want that 2nd yacht.

But first,


gargle my balls.

I’m low-key of the opinion that restaurants and food serving establishments should not be allowed to be owned by corporations where they’re beholden to shareholders in the first place.

Maybe stop making everything about the shareholders… what ever happened to favoring long term steady profit over fast startup fake money… they sell off worthless companies everyday and destroy ppls retirement funds just to turn around as ask why employees could care less about a broken profit driven soulless system lol

I don’t know what they’re talking about. Making them rich which struggling for the basic necessities sounds exciting to me.

Didn’t they kill people with a mislabeled drink?

Huh, so workers don’t want to work if it means that someone else gets to reap all the rewards and they barely get enough to exist on.

Someone death me my fainting couch!

did anybody ever care ?????

Fuck the shareholders. Let them make MY damn sandwiches

ill just leave this here

/all credit goes to the original artist Forb
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God that revolution is looking tastier and tastier by the day

“if you work harder, someone else who’s not working gets more money!”

Yeah, can’t think of any reason how that isn’t motivating.

So what about the idea of making money for themselves? Or does it not count?

Why we should care about shareholders

Today? Did they ever?

pay the employee a large salary and they will be motivated , is that simple ; nobody gives a fuck about the shareholders

But is the shareholders motivated by making the employees Rich?
You know like paying a big fat salary or do they simply not care about other Peoples private economy?

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