I don’t know why, i just do

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Well, the worst thing is when you try to search an image for reference, and google shows crappy AI images for whatever reason

Then you see craploads of people praising them on Facebook and getting tons of reactions like what’s so special about this

Also is it just me or are they getting actively worse over time? In the beggining they had various styles, now it’s all just this weird Disney look no matter what.

That’s my reaction to coca cola’s new Christmas commercial

That is the normal human reaction.

its not bad but ppl are lazy and dont fix mistakes making it bad annoying imo smh lazy fucks

Ai art has shown that the human soul exists by showing us art without it

The sad part is, eventually this will go away because it will improve to a point were we can’t tell the difference anymore. I’d actually argue that that’s already the case, but what you’re noticing is bad or cheap AI. Just like movies that use CGI for things you would never be able to tell are CGI, but when we see noticeably bad or cheap CGI we can instantly tell and it’s painful to watch.ย 

the uncanny valley is deeper than you expected

What bothers me the most about them is that they’re so cheap. Instead of finding a real image or making one, some chucklefuck just asked a computer to shit out a soulless imitation.

They always look terrible.

because it makes you feel like whoever uploaded the image (as meme or whatever) put barely any effort in making such image. When i was scrolling in october i saw some guy using an ai generated picture of an actorโ€™s famous pose (i donโ€™t remember who it was) as a skeleton, and when someone pointed out it was ai the guy said โ€œiโ€™m sorry but the actor could not take his flesh off to recreate the imageโ€ while people a few years ago would have remade it with prop skeletons or re-drawing it.

Whatโ€™s so bad about AI?

At this point I assume most users are bots and most content is fake bullshit. There’s hardly any reason to even use the internet anymore.


What’s more frustrating is to see the AI failing to understand how finger movements worked because if anyone in real life tries to bend their finger to 90 degrees, well then, so much for innovation.

Most of them cant be distinguished from other pictures, but the bad ones from old models really look generic.

What if you can’t tell if it’s ai……..

Same, especially if it was about some cringe stuff like cats in fairy story shit

Love seeing that shit in the news. You know a source is trustworthy when they are using AI generated images in a time when everyone has a high def camera in their pockets.

Uncanny valley shit

The image should have been A.I generated.

Genuine questionโ€ฆ why all the hate towards AI art? How is impacting things in a way that bothers you?

I am not a creative type and have no artistic ability so this is not an area I know much about. Genuinely curious.

I love using AI, training models, and testing all sorts of things they can do. I just don’t like it when people post their generated content and pass it off as authentically made. At least have the decency to tag it as generated content, or distinguish it from the real stuff.

You know deep down itโ€™s gonna make us obsolete. Eventually it will out meme us.

I Will not enter in the moral discussion about AI. But talking only about quality. Rarelly i see see something pretty good or Very Funny, but since It IS Quick to mass produce, the image sites are getting flooded by the slopiest AI shit.

Me too, friend. Me too

Unless it’s specified that it’s AI, then yeah. AI images scream “cheap”

Same. I avoid creators who rely on it heavily to make their content, even if I otherwise like what they’re about.

Then the kids trying their very best to explain why typing into a prompt to see what you get is artist level next to the Mona Lisa.

Agreed,I don’t like ai

Is the ai content that you notice is ai.

Iโ€™m over here looking for that one modern building that looks like a bunch of aluminum triangle slices of bread flopped over each other, standing on the flat end, pointy ends pointing up and going to the side, and I canโ€™t find it because google keeps showing AI slop! Stupid chippers! I fricking hate AI! Iโ€™m talking to you future AI overlords, come get me!

I see Iโ€™m not the only one

And what about your reaction when you stop seeing them?

Same expression I have after watching a YouTube video made using an AI voice.

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