I don’t think I was ready for that comment

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That comment was oddly descriptive


Well yes, but then just say “open a window, it is stinky in here”?

Is this an actual thing? Never in my life have I looked at a sock and thought “yeah let’s jizz in that then stuff it away someplace” jfc the first caveman to invent socks probably had more common sense than that.

This post is so old Leonardo Dicaprio kept scrolling.

Very well said!

I remember being at a sleepover with my friends and we did an all nighter playing runescape. My buddies dad opened the door to his room, sniffed the air, and said good god it smells like boy in here, slammed the door, and left.

Oof… *money* shots fired.

Why do people use cum socks? Why not just cum? I don’t get it.

Having a horrible depressing morning but this genuinely made me LoL. Thank you.

Both the parent and the room need to breathe

Have horny boys not heard of tissues?

“I told you mom, they are crusty because I was playing 3-on-3 and forgot to wash them!”

Sums up most of Reddit

I have no chil. But if I did I would have no problems pointing out the guy smells. I would consider some embarrassment a valuable tool to prepare my kids for life.

Not necessarily! My mom usually opens it up if she asks me to do the dishes so I won’t forget!

Because I always or most cases have the window opened!

I do not understaind using cum socks


_The whole hallway smells like cum_

Imagine being an adult and not understanding how to open a window

Mine never got old, I’d wear them right away and they would get washed later on. Nasty, but it worked. 

Tru dat

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