I Don’t Understand Marches

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It is attention seeking…but it is no foolishness. If there’s no attention to an issue, then it’s time to make noise.

Dumb bitches be dumb. All sympathies, smart ladies.

She said it herself: she doesn’t get it.

I sense Tammy is not burdened by education.

It’s Tomi Lahren. Bold of them to think they thought about it at all.

Nobody ever accused Tomi Lahren of having a functional brain. Intelligence was chasing her for a while but gave up because she was too fast.

Far too many of us are utterly ignorant of the sources of our privileges.
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Why you tweet?

Donald Trump gave them the right to vote when he made a perfect and a lot of people were telling him “Mr. President, that was a perfect phone call and Bidens phone calls were a catastrophies everybody knows that and its true believe me. A lot of people talk about phone calls but mostly they havent researched phone calls and the people who did, my oh my, a perfect phone call some call it, everybody actually.”

Oh look, Tammy Labamba wants attention again.

Tonka Maclaren still coming in with the bad takes. Honestly I think she does this on purpose at this point.


Blowing up mail boxes. Marches are important, but being in the streets screaming is not what’s getting things done. Preassuring the powers that be with something costly is.

It’s so funny it hurts. And sad. It just hurts.

She doesn’t think

Well she won’t have to think about that anymore (assuming she thinks in the first place) because I wouldn’t be surprised if the orange felon would revoke women’s right to vote among other things

Todays marches are not the same as the work of the suffragettes. Todays marches are weak sauce.

Easy: granted by Lenin. Marching didn’t gain anything except shrapnel and prison sentences. The generals got over the Tsar for doing nothing, the council of workers and soldiers got over the provisionary government for doing nothing and soldiers physically stormed the winter palace, and Lenin took over the worker and soldier council because they didn’t have much knowledge on what to do next.
Before, nobody voted, but all women but aristocracy worked. Female workers worked, female peasants worked, female merchants often owned and managed businesses, a business could be her dowry; a middle class woman was ok to do a skilled non-physical work, e.g. Lenin was a lawyer and his wife was a teacher. Wife of a priest is an official job in the church, like the first lady. Female aristocrats didn’t work, but their husbands didn’t work too as well.

Hardly comparable to marching and screeching in the street about a problem on the other side of the world that the majority of those in attendance don’t even have a basic understanding of though is it?

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