I doubt they have a gender neutral option.

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“I love Fox, but I don’t know why they keep calling me Bruce???”

It’s okay, she’s a republican 🤣

Now that Trump won and they don’t need her, possibly none of them


We all imagine that Fox News is actually like the on air personalities.

It’s all performance for them.

Ah, the token.

Like the rest of the GOP, I don’t think they care if it’s “one of theirs”.

I would have loved for the exchange to continue this way:

CJ: “why do you care where I go to the bathroom?!”

RF: ” now you’re getting it.”

I’d be willing to be they don’t call her a man on air….. Fucking hypocrites.

Jenner uses the private one in the dressing room.

Remember when Caitlyn Jenner beat out Lauren Hill for the ESPY? Yeah…that happened

She would have to use the men’s bathroom by law in my state.

Caitlyn will just run over someone and take theirs

She uses the men’s bathroom. The one that matches her sex at birth. You don’t think she’d be a hypocrite do you? 

Wow! An entitled bitch asked this question where i work. The answer is “the toilet” you dumb sh*t. It’s what you call a bathroom free for anyone to use.

Our thirty or so toilets are not men vs women; they’re abled vs disabled, and the disabled are much bigger.

Useful idiot.

Yes, I think we’d all like to know.🤷‍♂️

Oh, that’s deliciously vicious.

theres that…

I still can’t see how she could endorse Trump this time around after everything he threatened to do to trans people

They may have a gender-neutral bathroom.

After all, they all got their Covid vaccines while still pushing anti-vax rhetoric.

I promise you this asshole proudly and loudly uses the men’s restroom. She is a fucking class traitor and a hypocrite

and thanking the Cardinal? what does he think of Bruce?

Excuse me, which way to the ladies urinal?

Better question: which bathroom do they force you to use at Fox news?

As someone who avoids American news and such, could someone please provide context? Ty <3

A male bathroom…. Because he’s a male.

Who cares what bathroom she uses?


So, he’s watching it on tv.

This guy is crazy! I mean he is one crrrrrrrrazy fella! Pussy or no pussy, he is one wild dude!

Seriously though fuck Bruce Jenner. I’ll dead name that bitch all day for his support of these fuckwits. But *just* him.

Ron Filipkowski is awesome!

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