I feel like I’m the only one who legitimately hates it when they do this

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See this is one of the things I feel like EVERY Spider-Man movie (Other than TASM) doesn’t get enough credit for, in all of them he’s in a bright red and blue suit because that’s Spider-Man, he’s not some dark edgy crime fighter, he’s a friendly neighbourhood superhero, and he always looks it

I like that the new superman is embracing the slightly too bright comic colour

“Were you expecting yellow spandex?

24 years latter, the same wolverine is wearing an all yellow jump suit.

I mean this trend has kinda died.

Mysterio and Wolverine are two standouts as far as going back to comic accuracy. I remember people being shocked that they brought in the fishbowl for Mysterio in particular.


It just wouldn’t work, the real world isn’t as saturated as the world in comics.. so it would look very out of place imo.

I actually like it, make the outfits realistic and not look ridiculous. I don’t know how seriously if I saw a modern Batman in spandex.

Yes, yes you are. Tbh I think it can work. The boys proved it that you can have bright suits and still kick ass. I will say I did prefer the darker suits cause it fit the theme but some suits like superman kinda need to be bright. that’s the point.

I think it was an attempt to avoid the cringey look of superhero outfits back in the 70’s. So they attempted to go with black outfits. They have figured out how to make them cool now. So at this point going forward… there’s no reason to do this anymore.

Comic books can be dark and gritty sometimes. That’s why the heros are so brightly colored to contrast those dark tones. I think that’s what the DC universe fail to realize.

Thankfully James Gunn is going for comics accurate designs with DCU and some MCU movies also started doing it.

Speaking in the point of the movies if the costumes are bright and colourful it may ruin the whole vibe of the hero and make him or her look goofy but some examples where the character is of very friendly and goofy in nature will work. we can see this a little bit in spiderman. Characters like batman has the whole darkness theme so this is my goofy aahh explanation of why characters in comics have bright costumes and why actual movies don’t.

The woman on the right is gorgeous, what’s her @

Was this meme made in 2003? On the marvel side, hasn’t been relevant in years outside of the Fox shit

In some cases I prefer the movie version. The colors should stay vibrant, but sometimes the comic outfit looks absolutely atrocious and hokey in live action. Wolverine’s visor looked kind of lame in Deadpool and Wolverine, but it was comic accurate, which I appreciate. Scarlet Witch only wearing her comic outfit in WandaVision was a good choice.

But when they do have a comic accurate costume people hate it too. Fandoms are the worst

You’re so far from the only one. It’s a stale debate at this point.

The opposite is true for Manga and Anime

Some things look great in print but not so great on the big screen…

POV: You thought the cinematic universe would at least try pastel colors.

To be fair, the MCU has gotten much better with this. I mean, we got to see Hugh Jackman in a yellow suit and cowl as Wolverine. James Gunn also seems to be following this example as well for the DCU relaunch.

Still better than Disney adaptations and remakes.

Maybe it’s something you get used to, but as someone who isn’t into comics I find the ones in movies silly, and the comics even more ridiculous

same thing when they bring any legacy actors back after a few years. They are all dressed in black. It’s annoying.

This is why I loved Deadpool and Wolverine so much- it wasn’t embarrassed by its source material

Not a movie but i will always defend batman’s techy/vaguely tactical appearance from origins and knight, even if it doesnt look much like a comic outfit.

I also think captain america’s outfit in the avengers game was about one of the only things they did right


What did you expect? Black leather?

X-men was straight sinful

As far as I remember in old movies they also were all in bright outfits, like Batman in the 60’s. But I think after the Batman and Robin movie everyone understood that this stuff does not work anymore, they even had to tune done Sups and Spides suits cos of that.

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