I figure Elmo isn’t welcome here…

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Billionaires are literally a threat to world stability.

The really sad reality of it all is that there is nobody that is going to stop him, i keep hoping for some higher power to clip his nuts but evidently we’re going to stand by and let this fuck do whatever he wants


It would be really nice if Elmo would just go away. Forever.

Hope there’s a global association of ethical and morally responsible oligarchs to bring balance. Otherwise, the invisible hand of Luigi economics will prevail.

That’s it!

He’s showing off. All his powerful rich friends told him he doesn’t have any real power, and how he’s trying to prove them wrong!!!

No way. Dark Brandon is the only globalist elite here. How dare you insinuate anything different!

Here’s an idea:

If billionares and corporations can do price fixing, offshore profits to tax havens, and deprive workers of meaningful wages, it is time for a ‘great wealth reset’

All countries should be should agree to do a one-time 60% tax on the wealth of the ultra wealthy having 100M plus, and returning this money to public projects like infrastructure, storm proofing for climate change, and green energy research and development. Most of the wealthy accumulated today were done at great damage to the planet, soil, water, air, and food anyway so it’s only fitting.

The reason all countries need to agree is so that the ultra wealthy cannot redirect funds to tax havens.

With less money in their hands, billionares won’t have the means to override democracy, governments and exploit at the unprecedented levels they are currently doing.

Dear France,

Yet again, we are going to need you to show us how to fix this shit.

All the dumbasses everywhere else.

None of the others have the influence Elon has. He’s a special case of evil

The children yearn for the oil and tobacco lobby era

Putin is going to smack him down eventually for getting in Putin’s lane.

Interfering so hard in the UK in Germany is just wild. I hope they fight back – the US is already wholly owned

People should be protesting musk and billionaires in general, all over the world. Why is everybody so quiet about this?

This is very bad.

Eat the rich. We’re starting to get more hungry every day

I do appreciate how open and loud he is about it. The non-autistic billionaires are subtle. Unfortunately for a shit load of people it’s not the fact he’s directing policy that’s the problem it’s that he’s loud and honest about it

The NWO has come out of the closet.

they are probably all pissed at him because that has been literal status quo for hundreds (probably thousands) of years. But now its so blatantly obvious that even the usual blowhard dismiss anything they dont want to entertain as conspiracy theory folks have to admit there is something to it.


They’re international politicians. 

I got about 5 sentences into this where I agreed with every word but also just started laughing. This will never happen.

At this point im convinced the richest have sll decided they will huncker down and let most of the world rot and they will jet off underground or on a spaceship to start fresh, it seems like a plausible end game at this point. Maybe it already happened

They’ve been doing it for centuries but they’re generally not stupid enough to do so publicly

Yes this all new developments and certainly hasn’t been happening as long as the systems existed

Question is whens enough enough and we’re all gonna do something about it? Because we’re too busy fighting each other as the world burns.

Soros created the playbook that Elon is following he is just doing it publicly

Even if you agree with Elon, it should bother you. No person should have that much influence.

Like yall aren’t responsible for how society is actually ORGANIZED currently? Generation after generation of politicians who destroy unions and social safety nets? Seems like it’s only a problem when people actually put what they’re doing into words lmao

And the fact that he’s an idiot, on drugs, and has the personality of grass.

It cost Kamala Harris a billion to lose the election. The USA is simply a plutocracy.

This is why Trump will never be accepted by the high society he craves. He’s openly outing how rigged the judicial game is. They’ve been doing the same thing in the courts to skirt accountability for decades, they’ve just done it ways to keep it out of the headlines so neither is the problem nor fixed. Just the way they liked it. He’s making people aware that there are serious problems with our legal system. That it is pay to play and pay to win. They really don’t like that.

And Elon is doing the same with campaigns. The Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelsons did openly were involved, but at least behind closed doors. They used their money to steer politics for decades. Elon is showing just how much elections are pay to play to and pay to win. That too runs risks of the problems being acknowledged and the problems being fixed.

Lol why worries the west always do the same on MEA and Asia. Its Karma


Is this a bot posting a tweet from a bot?

Oh like George Soros, who used his money to literally overthrow three different countries?

Missing thoughs old days of plausible deniability. Ignorance is bliss.

“Ok! Down periscope!”

I guess he’s king of the riches. I wonder if they agree with how he’s stearing things?

” What do all men with power want? More power” – The Oracle.

Shocked Pikachu face when they talk shit back to you

George Soros?

“No one should bother solving the obvious problem, because there are probably lots of hidden problems!”


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