I fucking hate this…

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it’s not just that. Sleep quality depends a lot on proper nutrition, exercise and stress management

have you considered not being bound by a schedule at all

so you can be eep for 15 hours and have zero consequences

For a few months I tried one of those sleeping apps that wake you up in light sleep, was actually getting better sleep, the only thing that helped me feel more rested

Have you considered the life after you wake up is what is causing you to want to stay in bed?

The second i did something i enjoy like get a good job and quit my shitty university i get up early every day, no matter how long i sleep.

My solution is adhd pills and an alarm clock for the deaf. Itโ€™s very loud and makes your bed vibrate, went from on average being 20mins late to work to 3 mins. Has to be some of the best 30โ‚ฌ Iโ€™ve spent.

Melatonin is a scam



There are a lot of factors why you wake up, and you don’t feel rested. It’s the same as taking painkillers over and over without checking why something is hurting. The best way would be to discover that you lack certain stuff in your diet. Don’t take things if you can naturally balance your body because your body will stop producing that substance altogether and rely on pills.

Melatonin can actually be really bad for your sleep cycle depending on how your body responds to it. Leading to worse quality sleep, and in cases like mine, it can even lead to having it be overall harder to fall and stay asleep as well as melatonin not even working anymore to alleviate that.

My solution is unhealthy amounts of caffeine.

When you realize no matter what you do, you’re still waking up exhausted, The **illusion of fixing your sleep** is real!

Try magnesium glycinate instead

I was this cow my whole life until for a couple of days I dated taking magnesium before bed. I still canโ€™t believe it works. I sleep a lot quicker and better!

Nah, it’s lying awake for hours on end for me. And when i eventually do fall asleep, i wake up 2-3 hours later.

I will have to disagree on this one. I frequently suffer from insomnia and also have trouble falling asleep quickly, even if I avoid screens for hours before bed. I started taking melatonin about a month ago, and itโ€™s been a game changer. Iโ€™m sleeping about two more hours per night since then, and I definitely feel much more rested when I wake up

I use alcohol.

you wont believe me, but exercise and proper diet helps alot

why the fuck u guys taking melatonin? It became common for some reason, you are fucking up your body natural cycle and you only going to fuck yourself more

I meditate and do deep breathing

Three suggestions if you always wake up feeling very tired:

1) if like me you use cannabis regularly, try not to consume at night. It’s not just alcohol that interferes with REM stages.

2) check if you have sleep apnea

3) look into ‘sleep cycles’. TL;DR these tend to last for about 90 minutes, starting from the ‘light sleep’ where you may get up for a wee etc; finishing with ~15mins of REM sleep. This is the ‘refreshing’ sleep, if something is interrupting these crucial cycles you will NOT feel rested.

Furthermore, if you for some reason wake up midway through a cycle, you will *feel like freshly pressed turds*. Try to time your sleep in multiples of 90 minutes.

Itโ€™s a scam lol

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