I gave my son’s tutoring school 4/5 and now they’re threatening to expel him

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Copy the screenshot and leave a 1/5 for threat lmao

Update your review to include this screenshot and lower the rating.

I hate how anything less than five stars is considered negative. Five stars should be for extraordinary service. 

If they are that thin-skinned does make me wonder how good the tutoring is and how rounded the tutors are.

Call their bluff.

If they expel him you can sue and pay for an even better school.


Time for a new review of 1 star

The person threatening you can’t even spell balance correctly. And there are few other minor grammar errors too. And I am feeling free to nit-pick since they feel they are making threats over a $5.00 gift card. Any business worth their value will ask how to make it right. Find another tutoring school if they are threatening to expel them and then downgrade your review with the added details of this message. Unprofessional of them.

This is against the Google review terms of service. Reporting this communication would likely result in them losing the ability to have reviews.

However, I suspect that this is fake, as no business in their right mind would pull this kind of bullshit and if they would you need to get your child out of there asap.

Give them a 1 star review with this attached


If this is true, I’d leave a one star review, attach this screenshot, pull my kid out and charge back whatever shit I paid, block their numbers and make extra accounts for reviews just as good measure.

Seems like you were in on the scam by being paid for a review.

They clearly say you were supposed to leave a positive review, indicating this was discussed previously.

Then it mentions you returning a gift card, I’m assuming that’s how you were paid.

This is illegal.

Post this SS on your review and drop it to 1 star.

This should really be seen as blackmail

Annie are you ok ?

Name the school!!

Is this real? 🥴

Give us the info….Reddit will take care of it.

That’s your sign to take your son out of there ASAP and to lower the review

4/5 isn’t a negative rating. I would make sure people know that people get threatened for different ratings.

Is there a board of directors to contact and expose?

Isn’t this blackmail which is illegal? Maybe contact an attorney as well. I see a lawsuit

That’s insane.

One star, and include the text of this message.

If this is real, I feel like it’s bordering on extortion, as they’re trying to coerce a good review through threat of keeping the kid out of class.

Time to lawyer up. Document a request for a refund as you should be placing your child in a new school, due to a documented hostile environment.

Lol the Google reviews now ☠️

Return the gift card. Lower the review. Add this screenshot.

Post this image to the reviews and change to 1 star.

Why can’t they spell ‘balance’ correctly?

Leave a Yelp review too. As much as I despise Yelp, they are SEO wizards.

Tutors are a dime in the dozen. I’d suggest finding a different one

include this in an updated review.

Time to update your review with this new info and enjoy your Timmies

I would consider contacting the BBB and hopefully they can hold them accountable.

They need to be reported

Idk if you’re in the US or Canada (Timmie’s ref), but in the US I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to give a gift in exchange for a positive review only. They can give you a gift as incentive for a review (read: any review), but it’s something to look into if you want to be extra petty.

Outrageous! Screenshot this en rate them 1/5 again.

I really hope this “school” isn’t tutoring your kid in English, as it’s obviously not their strong suit. Best to cut ties. Keep your gift card and update your review to 1 star.

I found the place! Let’s all leave a 1 star review!
comment image?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269ed86595699c727afd70c80f7ae2cb904081b2

1. Document everything
2. Contact school administration or if its them report higher to principal or school board.
3. Check state laws
4. File a police report
5. Seek legal advice

you accepted a bribe for a giftcard and then changed your mind? interesting

Trump behavior out of the school

tutor fascists

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