I get it, Chill guy sucks. Now go after Crying hulk and Brinch

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The Meme Lifecycle:

Meme gets created

Meme gets forced

Meme gets old

Grinch sucks, Hulk is ok, its not that oversaturated.

I won’t lie I’ve never liked the chill guy meme, even before it became overused. Something about it just annoys me.

It was never popular

I’ve only seen hate for this meme, never the meme itself.

Most memes are dogshit now, best memes were 2007-10 and created on 4chan.

Now it’s just a reddit farm with mediocre memes that sometimes stick very briefly.

Ah yes, the natural cycle of I loved it, now I hate it, but I miss it.

“That feeling when knee surgery is tomorrow”


What the fuck 😂

finally chill guy gets what he deserves

Lool, seriously, anti male echo chamber reddit at its best.

It wasn’t even a meme, but a forced substitute for memes by people with no sense of humor while being self proclaimed “funny”

I have no problems with the chill guy and crying hulk, but knee surgery, I want to cut it down, break it apart, splay the gore of it’s profane form across the stars and grind it down until the very sparks cry for mercy, my hands will relish ending it HERE AND NOW

That’ what happens when a meme is overused it becomes annoying

That’ what happens when a meme is overused it becomes annoying

Guys…I have a feeling that I have a chill guy tomorrow, but I’m just a knee surgery

Tbh chill guy was so funny but it was getting wore down (especially to the point they were just turning it into r/Unoriginalcharachters by just putting random clothes on it [and yeah, I did just promote my own sub. I don’t care if you dislike it because im a chill guy- please don’t hurt me])

Honestly people need to stop spamming memes though cause it sucks how original memes can get ran into the ground though.

crying hulk is a million times worse than chill guy meme!

Shut up, you just don’t know how to use it for your memeing needs.

I’ve seen far more unfunny memes getting endlessly pushed on.

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