I got eggs as a Valentine’s present from a student.

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With these prices, I’d actually be thrilled

Time to make a cake or cupcakes!

We have chickens and they’ve been a godsend lately. Our grocery stores have been sold out of eggs for a couple weeks now. Our friends really appreciate the eggs we’ve been able to spare. I’d say this was an amazing gift. Your student must think very highly of you.


What an Eggcellent gift

Looks like your student has backyard hens!

Random, but kind of adorable. Eggs are symbolic of new beginnings and so expensive these days so it’s a top-tier gift 😂🐣

They’re luxury items by now, so enjoy!

in this eggonomy!?

I teach at a rural school and LOVE when students bring me farm products. I get a lot of eggs & honey, both are awesome. I have been offered meat as well but I’m vegetarian.

Very thoughtful…they understand what is happening around them.
It is much healthier than candy.

If those are from home-raised chickens, that’s liquid gold right there!

So I hung some eggs from my belt, which was the style at the time

god damn that’s like your yearly salary

If they are from their home chickens they will be the best tasting eggs you will have eaten.
The yoke will be a brilliant colour . Nothing atal like shop bought. Enjoy

That is actually amazing, what a great kid!

They look like fresh eggs by the coloration. Primo stuff.

May seem like a silly gift on the surface, but with the price of eggs these days, it’s not as silly of an idea

I would love this gift but sadly I don’t accept luxury items from students

I have a solid base quiche recipe that you could put those eggs in!


* Not mine, but you can mix and match your ingredients.

Eggspensive Gift

I should have been a scholar…

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Edit: confirmed op is not a college professor and a kid gave the eggs. My comment did not belong here.

In this economy????! Thank you very much

A cool million in eggs… you are lucky!

Damn that must be like $100

Pretty sure you have to claim gifts over $10k on your taxes…

What a thoughtful and expensive gift.

In this economy!?

Someone wants to fertilise…

He was bringing you treasure…bet his parents looking everywhere for their priceless goods.

You must’ve been egg-cited🤭

That’s so goddamned sweet <3 I’ll take eggs over candy or cakes any day.

Times so though the kids are involved this time

All hardboiled for the laughs.

Wow, what an eggciting gift!👌🙃

So fancy. That student knows how to gift! 😂

Is Frank Reynolds your student?

my initial reaction: *jaw drop* and “that’s VERY sweet” .. honestly that’s an expensive gift right there. and you know those came from some privately owned hens. so cute.

I bet your student has chickens!! They will lay a surplus of eggs for a small family and you eventually do have to start giving them away.

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