I guess he is a kind person!

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I mean some Dominicans gave him a bomb ass fade and did his eyebrows, of COURSE he will share commissary money with them!

Raise your hand if you still believe innocent until proven guilty.

Usually, when an inmate is sharing their commissary money with the other inmates it’s to pay protection.

We didn’t expect anything less from Luigi.

His books are never going to be without funds and he’s not the type to hoard wealth.

21st Century version of the fishes and loaves.

He might be kind of respected for killing a someone perceived to be a millionaire scumbag (only because he was a millionaire scumbag) in cold blood instead of being in there for being a millionaire scumbag.

It’s the fucking Daily Mail. I won’t believe anything they say. They are known as liars to sell shit.

I love the story but the fact it comes from this trash makes me unable to believe it.

Where is the legit way to donate to him ?

Considering the eyebrows and fade haircut was the prisoners message to the guards & world that they’re(the prisoners) are watching Luigi and that they WILL know if something was done to him, it’s really wholesome that he’s giving back to the people who are locked up with him and supporting him

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how do I contribute to his commissary?

If you think he has to pay for protection you know nothing of prison inmates. In my experience folks that did 15-30 years for major crimes got better constitution than folks that have not been incarcerated. For every 1 fool that be tripping about how much he got on his books 30 others gonna stand that one down.

Sharing commissary is never a good idea. You do it once, they start expecting it every week.

It’s easier to find something good to say about Mr Mangione than about the CEO of an insurance company.

Can we put him up for Sainthood now. The saint of punishing rich fucks.

Be the change that you want to see.

Be Luigi.

I don’t understand why he would be relieved seeing as how he didn’t do anything🤷🏻‍♂️

Bro is not aware that popular support ≠ lenient justice system

Luigi is innocent. CEOs are guilty. Simple as that.

All it takes is one person to get a hung jury or mistrial.

Why is this “criminal” a better person that basically anyone in charge? He’s a god damn hero.

Feels like Luigi is in the safest spot in the entire world if his inmates end up loving him too.

When the U.S. is hellbent on something there is NOTHING *ANYONE* can do to stop it.

Innocent or guilty, he is becoming a martyr. Knowing America’s culture, a martyr would spark an uprising with death tolls rivaling that of the civil war between the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and the Great Qing

Look, Luigi did a terrible thing, knowing his own retribution to come, _to drive positive change_, maybe not the best way, but arguably nothing will ever change if no one does anything.

Status quo, will be status quo, especially if it’s making rich folks richer, so, inevitably, someone will come along, desperate enough, to drive change.

I get that this trial if it ever happens is going to be interesting however none of this is verifiable and people are projecting quite a bit on this guy. He might be amazing, he might be complex but either way we do not know him. He got turned into public property by his actions and the response.

Saint Luigi giving back to the incarcerated.

Luigi for president!

That’s the thing. There’s a difference between being a killer and being a cold blooded killer.

One of the reasons the establishment is so terrified of him is that he was not on any ‘watch’ lists. It is an example of a person who had every reason to buy into the current system and be content with the status quo. When a person like this decides that they need to resort to violence to change the system the fear is that others like him who actually have a lot to lose will start behaving the same.

I don’t support the violence. I wish that Luigi had other ways to change the inequities that we have. That is the part that those in power are missing. Instead of addressing the root of the problem they are saying that we are the problem for identifying more with the man who shares our problems than the man who lived a life of wealth, privilege, and promulgator of the health system most of us hate.

I actually do fear the violence since if it does go to far there is no predicting the directions it will take or who will suffer.


The commissary philanthropist

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