I guess I cant go out to eat

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Times it by 3, hilarious.

They can’t even calculate correctly. $10.75 multiplied by 3 is $32.25, not only are they stealing from the 30% tip and now they added 50 cents to that as well? Unacceptable

Times it by 3?? Stfu šŸ¤£

“If you can’t pay your waiters a decent salary, maybe you shouldn’t open a restaurant?” Just sayin’.

WHO tips 30% unless it’s fabulous service and you’re feeling generous??? the rule of thumb i learned is match the tax… to be fair i am canadian and tipping culture is different here than some places in the states but like 30% is still really really high.

If you cannot afford to pay your staff, don’t open a restaurant.

It is stuff like this that makes me so relieved and happy that we don’t have tipping culture here in Europe.

Thatā€™s adorable lol


I went to new york for new years. I am european.

I hate tipping culture so much after this trip that it ruined my view on the USA entirely.

Went to a yakiniku place. Waitress brought some raw meat for us to grill, and a bottle of wine we ordered (she did not service us further, we poured wine ourselves and everything). On a 350$! Bill, i leave a 40$ tip, for which people in europe would literally lick my feet, and this waitress has the audacity to complain that its not enough.

Fuck this shit.

For real, pay your workers. It shouldnt be on me to fucking pay their salary.

Absolute scum industry and practice you guys have over there.

What is even American tipping culture?

Raise the minimum wage for crying out loud!

Times it by 3?

I donā€™t think so.

Uniquely American problem

Thirty percent my ass. Why does the wait staff person that carried it from the kitchen make more than the cook that prepared it or the truck driver that drove it there?

Even if that table took over an hour, no way the person that carries a tray deserves thirty dollars an hour for one table. _And_ they have more than one table, I’m sure. (Sixty an hour? Ninety?) Based on the price of the food you carried, not for your skill or labor.

I will fight you on the sidewalk in front of Chili’s over this.

I am Scandinavian…. I do not tip. Pay your employees

Itā€™s called rage bait and it seems to have worked

Guys! STOP going out to eat! We can bankrupt these fuckers so quickly if we just eat ramen noodles and sit in our minimalistic rooms

I think they need the tips to buy a calculator with such maths

20 percent is sufficient I donā€™t know where they came up with this!

I canā€™t get past the ā€œtimes itā€ part. What are we in 3rd grade?

You better come with the dishes for the 30% /s

10.75 x 3 = 32.25.


Good service gets 20%. Fuck 30%

ā€œTimesā€ it

30% to get lectured by a sign

30% ?? I can get blown for that

30%?! Fuck outta here.

A 30% tip as standard is insane.

30% tip? Fuck right off

The “times it” really sells the stupidity.

Tipping culture is out of hand. Maybe your boss should just pay you proper.

TF you say?!?

I tip 10-20% depending on the level of service.

My bill: $107.53

10% (move the decimal over): $10.75
– If it was above average, I add half again: $16.13
– If it was great service, I double it: $21.50

I would NEVER tip 30%.

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