I have a beautiful medium sized all black lab mix dog. This is not her. This is some random dog that came into my house last night uninvited.

By easymz
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Another pic of the “guest”

Story time: Last night around 9:15pm we were taking my dog out to go to the bathroom before bed. As I let her back inside from the back door, I looked down and saw this big boy walk right in to my house like he owned the place! Neither myself or my wife had ever seen this dog before last night. Thankfully he was a friendly boy, who seemed a little smitten on my pup. After he made himself him for an hour or so, the police were able to track down his owner and he was returned. Quite.A.Night lol

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The “guest” enjoying our couch!

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Our pup Luna btw

Your lab probably invited him, labs tend to be very friendly that way. ;-P

Seems normal for a husky.

There’s a glitch in the cat distribution system.

Back when I lived in an apartment My next door neighbors bulldog once came barreling through my door. He looked so confused when he made it inside my apartment. I just sort of ushered him back outside. I don’t think his humans ever noticed that he broke into the neighbors place 🤣

I can relate. Once I was woken in my bed by very affectionate dog licks. It was not my dog., I’d never meet it before.

Turns out my wife has found it,lost, and brought it home for the night. We found its humans the next day, but it was both one of the sweetest and surprising experiences I’ve had!

You mean, *your* new dog.

Girlfriend had a golden retriever was playing outside. When he came back in there were three golden retrievers. It’s like he multiplied. The other two words from the area but she still unsure where.

I’m about bit disappointed the husky distribution system isn’t a thing yet. The cats have it figured out. Why not huskies?

I lived in an area where people didn’t really have fences. Sometimes when it was storming dogs from everywhere would come through our dog door. I think once I had 8 dogs sleeping around me drying off.

He’s such a handsome boy!! I’m glad y’all were able to find his owners – agree that hopefully they’ll get him microchipped so he doesn’t get lost for good one day. But it looks like he likes your place & your pupper so he may become a semi-regular fixture on his breakouts 😂

No such things as dogs being uninvited.

I have a friend who’s dog made it back home after a week missing. He brought home a goat.

I want to live in a town where the police track down the owner of a lost dog. Seriously.

That is how I came to have my current dog. I went to lock up for the night, and there he was, on the fenced in porch, looking cold and scared. I left him some food and a blanket, and blocked off the door, so I could look for his family in the morning. He was not hurt, skinny or dirty and I lived (at the time, I have since moved) near two really busy streets, that would have been difficult for a dog to cross, so I assumed he belonged to someone nearby, so I started there, putting up flyers in the area and asking people I saw outside if they knew his owners. I then extended to FB groups, but no one showed up. So now I have a dog. He is the best boy, and so affentionate. He was meant to be mine.

The world is his friend

I have laughed and laughed at this!!!! OP , you are awesome taking care of your fur guest. I’m sure he will leave you 5 stars!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

You have been blessed by the Husky gods.

Got any games on your phone?

*Due to holiday shortages, your order may be substituted with a alternate item. Thank you for understanding.

– The Cat Distribution Team

Dog distribution system?

My best friend is a husky dad and quite frequently visits the neighbours without his dad.

There is a r/notmycat .

Is there a r/notmydog too?

Now you have 2 dogs

we have dog distribution systems now? how do i sign up?

Clearly a derp. Big derp.

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