I have a single strand of golden hair on my face

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Cut. Sell. Cut. Sell. Cut. Sell. Profit


Wow, this actually looks gold

Is that from your phone camera?!!!!!

Flower gleam and glow

I’m more impressed by the high quality macro shot

You got the golden hair! You get too meet Willy Clipper in his Magic Barbershop!

Fun fact: there actually is 5 cents worth of gold in the human body. 0.2 milligrams.

Ah yes, the Midas Pube. You have been chosen.


I am the lord of all that is golden.

What does the scouter say about your power level tho?

My hair is black

OP do you happen to use a brass wire wheel regularly, cause I believe that is just a brass bristle stuck in your face

that is quite the amazing macro shot.

how did you fit your face under the microscope


If that were actually gold it would worth about $0.03. A human facial hair weights on average 0.0004grams and a gram of gold today is about $83.

It means you’re dying.*

* I’m kidding, that’s wild. I’m a balding toe head and my beard is gray, red, and blonde.

🎶Flower, gleam and glow…🎶

damn how does that happen?

Please return to the Tyrell Corporation


What’s its name? I have the urge to call it Brando

That single golden strand sounds like a little bit of magic you get to carry with you every day

If you pluck it, pls come back and post an update

Darling that’s your blonde side. Its screaming its better than you.

You are entering your main character phase. This isn’t even your final form. 



Crazy this has been up as long as it has and has as many comments as it does and nobody has provided a legitimate answer, I genuinely want to know what causes this

007: Golden Beard


My question is, how did you get such a high quality pic????

no one else gonna comment on the insane photo quality?

Since no one is bothered to explain this phenomenon, let me. All hair has pigment in it called laoscopicus pigmentus, in latin, due to a sufficit or deficit of that pigment out hair colour varies. In this case where a single hair is different colour means some sort of deformation of pigmentation in our system, where in the past life you were a cat, and when you got reincarnated they didn’t fully burn all of your cat pigment out of you. Mistakes like that happen in les than 0,00000001% of cases but when they do, crab people become in danger of exposing themselves, so they hide inside other humans. As you can see you hair is not only golden, it’s also transluscent which means you completely wasted your time reading this comment and will never get it back. Due to our human nature and curiosity you are still reading this which makes no sense at all. So in conclusion please stop reading this, because of cephalus fagis menstragatis is lacking

It’s a glitch in the game someone will nerf it


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