I have never shown Reddit my beloved boy, Kessel. He is my world.

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Did he make the catnip run in less than 12 parsecs?

Does he love hot dogs? Is he a ~~2x~~ 3x Stanley Cup winner?


That’s a very photogenic cat.


Love me a stripe-ed cat. That’s how I like to say it, with the emphasis on the -ed part. Some people call them Standard Issue Cats (SIC) but I say they are the best! Kisses for Kessel.

Also, the Star Wars comments have been hilarious!

Chonk just like Phil

Kessel is gorgeous

He runs less than 12 parsecs.

If you ever need someone to ride at dawn for him, I will be ready!

Love the name! Where is it from?

Let me cuddle himm

He looks like he just caught you doing something he did not approve of. Pay your tax in treats.

He looks very plush. Adorable.

So handsome

What an adorable face!❤️❤️

I want to squeeze and kiss that giant head.


He looks absolutely adorable and sqeezable ❤️

Must be related to Garfield.

He looks like the absolute sweetest boy ever! GAH, I just want to take his chubby little face between my hands and go “WHO’S THE CUTEST BOY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD?! IT’S YOU!!!”

Beautiful cat!

beautiful baby

We love Kessel ❤️

That is one cute round boy

He looks so majestic

He’s the squishiest and squashiest of babies ❤️🐾

So handsome

Hello, Kessel

Awww, what a sweet face he has 😇🥰


Thank you. Kessel is beautiful.

He is adorable ! I love him just from his photo . You can see all the character and personality in his eyes

Run,Kessel run!

Need more Kessel

I hate cats.

So handsome!!!!


That’s one chonky boy! He makes it work though.

I ❤️ him too

He seems concerned 😭😭😭

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