I honestly did not expect this to happen so quickly…

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Have you seen new on r/conservative? They are **desperately** trying to get people to talk about anything else.

Trudeau! no wait, Biden! no wait, Birth Control!

There are like 5 accounts just FLOODING them right now.

The dumbest person in the room is the smartest person in maga.

Look who ‘woke’ up. But not for the right reasons

Ya’ll got hornswaggled, bamboozled, shafted, boned, and butt-monkeyed.

Concepts of thoughts and prayers

Get used to this maga, you have sold your soul to the billionaires and you’re about to see just how much Trump meant when he said he doesn’t care about you, just your vote.

Doubt this will even be a conversation topic next week, his supporters will break their necks before betraying divinely-ordained Orange Daddy

Trump doesn’t need to win another election, he absolutely can drop the very thin act that he cares about the working class. 

It’s crazy how they’re not even in charge yet and so many people are regretting their vote. These are seriously probably the people who didn’t do their homework in school. 

Hell hath no fury like bitch-ass conservatives scorned.

What are they going to do about it? Nothing. Trump is going to be President for four entire fucking years and it’s all their fault.

They get screwed *just as hard* as they wanted him to do to the other side. The only difference is we knew it was coming but they deluded themselves into thinking they were immune. Now they’re getting that rude awakening and don’t know how to respond.

They can eat a dick.

Are we the ~~baddies~~ idiots?

Right? I was assuming it would be like March, or at least after Inauguration, before it got this bad. Like, when these people have taken power and started to abuse it, not before they’re even installed!

Trump loves money.

Trump doesn’t have money.

Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Ellison, Thiel, etc have lots of money.

Trump will do everything he can to make them happy so they give him money.

Regardless of consequences for anyone else.

Everything he says or does he says or does to further that end, and no other.

Anyone who hasn’t realized this since 2016 is lying to themselves. It’s been his main method of operation since the 1980s, and should surprise no one.

Yet, it still does.


Sometimes I genuinely worry about these people. Does it physically hurt to be this astoundingly ignorant? It feels like nature’s version of cruel and unusual punishment.

We’ve been telling them this for years, but they called us delusional, woke, snowflakes who suffer from TDS. The schadenfreude I’m feeling right now feels better than sex.

This is the feast I’ve been waiting for.

‘It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump’ (by Stuart Stevens,  top strategist for Mitt Romeny’s 2012 Presidential campaign, and later member of the Lincoln Project)

‘This is not a book about how Donald J. Trump hijacked the Republican Party and changed it into something else. Stevens shows how Trump is in fact the natural outcome of five decades of hypocrisy and self-delusion, dating all the way back to the civil rights legislation of the early 1960s. **Stevens shows how racism has always lurked in the modern GOP’s DNA, from Goldwater’s opposition to desegregation to Ronald Reagan’s welfare queens and states’ rights rhetoric.** He gives an insider’s account of the rank hypocrisy of the party’s claims to embody “family values,” and shows how the party’s vaunted commitment to fiscal responsibility has been a charade since the 1980s.’

Apart from having worked in GOP politics for most of his adult life, what lends credence to what Stevens says about the GOP and racism is that he is a seventh generation white Mississsippian. Racism in the U.S. doesn’t get any more hardcore than it was in Mississippi.

Too bad it took nine years of him fucking the country for you to figure it out. And his history of being a con man goes back decades.

I especially love going into small garage owners’ businesses as part of my job, seeing the “Dumbocrats” and “FJB” shit all over their walls. 

They didn’t vote for a damned fucking thing. Not a single policy position, it was all “hate this group and that group” so the Republicans could get their foot in the door. 

Fucking gullible child-brained idiots. 

One of the comments was about how they’ve been using social issues to pull the wool over their eyes. These guys are so close to understanding what we’ve been saying.

The Libertarian meme subs are in an uproar over how the culture war shit was a front and how it’s looking like the left was right all along.

This shit couldn’t have happened at a better time, and I hope these people continue to look at what’s happening through a more critical lens. That said, I imagine we’ll be back to the same old bullshit come March, but godamn do I hope that, between the CEO murder and this, we see a shift in how the conversation around class is happening.

It *would* be a swindle if Trump hadn’t voiced his support for these visas, plus increased immigration overall, *in June before the election*. But instead they believed in a Fantasy Trump and nothing Real Trump said or did mattered.


The did we get swindled has me dying.
Its wild how stupid half the population is.

The right wants corporate rule.

Corporations like:

-Low wages.

-No worker/consumer protections.

-No unions.

-Cheap outsourced labor.

-Visa workers who rely on that job as a path to citizenship and can be abused and exploited more.

we already had this conversation 4 years ago. I’m so tired.

They only got “swindled” because they’ve been ignoring every single person, article, and fact telling them Trump was going to swindle them.

Time for the right to have their version of woke, but instead of waking up to REAL systemic problems and the issues with racist and classist laws, they are just going to wake up from their own dumbassery. Not quite as noble, but waking up nonetheless.

These people were not swindled. There was zero reason to trust Trump and crew. They lied to get where they are in the .1% , they will continue to do so. And for the awful stuff they are truthful about, their awfulness should tell anyone they aren’t good people and shouldn’t be voted in. None of this was a red flag, because “egg prices”. 

They’ll gaslight themselves out of being angry soon enough.

Oh god this is why I dont go to conservative to laugh.


How sister-fucking braindead do you have to be.

‘Corporate greed and low wages have made cost of living insane and the disparity only grows.’


I’ve been reading r/Conservative. They are piling on Musk and his sidekick Vivek and really badmouthing the both of them. Honestly feels like ‘liberal’ talking points as I agree with most of what they say.


Their hero Trump is above all this and blameless. They are for sure he’ll wade in and make it all right for them. They also, predictably, blame the Democrats for most of it as they ‘watered down’ education. They ***know*** they’re getting screwed with no lube, but they won’t look back over their shoulder and identify who is actually doing the deed, probably because they’re afraid to know it’s Trump.

(edit: spelling error)

It’s like the lowest wattage light bulb sputters into the tiniest of dingy light.

Good job you shitheels.

Too late now, stupids. Maybe next time try listening to what the less-stupid people have to say.

Now sit down and eat your consequences.

I don’t think Maga people are stupid.

I think they decided that their right to be racist, phobic, hateful, and violent was worth all of this. Inconvenient truth and all that. And now they’re realising that the ability to call an innocent bystander a slur for existing isn’t as satisfying as they thought it would be, and the only people who will be able to afford groceries and rent are going to be the billionaires. A lot of people are going to go broke.

It was all about *winning* on the day, not about the realities of this leadership. Willful ignorance is a shameful character flaw, not an excuse.


Wtf is this timeline?

“All the left does is call us idiots!”

Well, if the shoe fits…

Morons had 8 years to figure it out

It’s like “Are we the baddies?” except for dummies. Who are also baddies.

Okay so it’s exactly the same.

i was about to post this — lol. this was soo satisfying to read.

One comment said the left will be gloating and saying “see we told you” YUP. Because yall just don’t wanna listen. We are ENJOYING this🤌🏻

Trump’s spouse is an immigrant after all

And so is Melania

If the election were ran again today, Harris would win.



I don’t wanna overestimate these folks.

there’s like five posts up confirming this on the Con sub.

Funny how they always screamed that Democrats is the party backed by evil billionaires. Well would you look at that.

mind blowing that someone identifying themselves as a Constitutionalist supports DT, when he has pissed all over The Constitution unless it is to his advantage. 🤯

There is a lot of attempted “damage control” going on by the influencers and grifters right now. Alex Jones went in Musks favor and is now being hit for being a “globalist” which he always rails against. I’m surprised Ben ” oops I trusted that fart” Shapiro, Tucker “Putin cum milkshakes 5/5 stars!” Carlson, and Matt ” I track my daughter’s menstrual cycle” Walsh haven’t weighed in yet. Oh wait, that’s right they have no original thoughts or positions and wait until they can stir the pot for views. Now that daddy trump has weighed in we’ll see a bunch of reaction to the base from the main influencers telling the Cletus MAGA front that their jobs are fine and it’s a cleaning swamp of the “liberal tech elite”. It’s gonna be fun to watch everyone switch up their mental gymnastics routines to “make it work” and hold on to the grift.

There’s an old acronym that the MAGA crowd will learn when it comes to trusting Trump: BOHICA. Because they’re going to get real familiar with that feeling.

It’s happening so fast, we may be in world War 3 way sooner than expected

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