I hope the trip there and back was financially painful for these losers!

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They still don’t get that he doesn’t care about them

They should storm the capital. Or get used to being disappointed. 

“I don’t like it.”

Fuck you. I don’t like any of this shit you brought upon us.

Wait until all the other government (socialist as you probably call it) programs you don’t understand you depend on are taken away – morons

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Grown men wearing another mans name on their fucking forehead is the most loser shit ever.
The irony of these self proclaimed, “real men” is so hilarious though.

The symbolism of this inauguration being attended by a small group of wealthy elites and not the people is perfect.

Aw, poor pieces of shit.

Cmon Trump Feed the “cows”

Wait till they find out how tariffs work!!! As president Bush once said “Fool me once, shame on…shame on you.’ Fool me, you can’t get fooled again”

Dear MAGA: This is the first of many disappointments and broken promises you will witness in the next 4 years. Let us know when you want democracy back. We’ll be right here.


Jeezus, fat-whiney-farmboys clashing with chilly-whiney-thin-skinned-oligarch-techboys. I hope they eat each other. FDJT

I know many men like these voters. They voted for a smooth palmed rich man from New York City who wears bad make up and are surprised he can’t handle the cold weather (or threat of being a sitting duck on a wide open pond).

*Storm the fkin hall boys, giddy up* He *needs your support*

>Goes without saying but make sure y’all got your guns and everything with you

So…are they the cows in this scenario?

I’ve lived in Canada all my life, and let me just say… there are territories/provinces in Canada where people keep their snow tires on for a majority of the year! 🥶
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Trump knows there won’t be a huge crowd. Doing it inside & blaming the weather saves him some embarassment.

Just break in, you’ve done it before!

Let me tell you how little I care. Hope they emptied their life savings. Bye assholes.

Get ready for a lot more disappointments big boy…

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I wonder if it’s more they dont want people seeing how bad Trump’s health really is.

No pity. Fucking dummies.


The fk did I just read? Can we please erase these illiterate morons from humanity

Trump Truly despises his voters. Sees them as low class and lesser than him. He no longer has to pretend to tolerate them. They’re all used up

“We don’t get to not feed the cows because it’s cold”. Do you think that resonates with Trump on any level? The dude has never worked a day in his life. He’s never mowed his own God damn lawn before. Get out in the cold and do any kind of physical labor at all, not a fucking chance. The only thing these people have in common with Trump is racism and hate.

They don’t know they elected a Pansy AssBitch ?

It’s kinda funny that they are comparing themselves to cows.

It’s not that cold in Oklahoma, piss-whiners.
~Sincerely, Montana

Lol! I’m sure there will be a TV set outside so you can freeze your butt off while your hero is inside, toasty warm, not giving a single fuck about you.

No way these motherfuckers work on a goddamn farm and are this fat. They’re both one churro away from losing a foot.

Oh… I’m sorry. You’re just realizing blind loyalty gets you nothing?

Thoughts and prayers.

Imagine going to turd mountain so you can get to see king shit in person only to be flushed

He’s the only president to sit inside of a bullet proof glass box during every appearance. I don’t believe he could have done it, because of how weird it would have looked with him in this weird glass block around him during the whole thing.

he never planned to do it outside where he would be exposed or people could photograph the box protecting him. the photos would have been hilarious.

he’s 100% scared of his followers. probably because they have tried to ice him multiple times during the campaign and one of his followers tried to blow up his hotel with a cybertruck just 2 weeks ago.

he’s afraid to be outside and exposed.

oh don’t worry,

it’s gonna get infinitely worse for you over the next 4 years. Just think of it, he isn’t even president yet and he already took a giant stinky dump on you.

Don’t worry, you might get the opportunity to buy some more Trump trading cards, for only $1000 each. A great way to waste your retirement funds!!


Yes, Donnie! Feed your MAGA cows 🐄!

But you’ve been feeding this pig for years!

Well you sure ain’t feeding them while you’re in DC ya dumb fuck. Keep pissing away your money on a willfully ignorant pipe dream of YOUR supremacy over other folks. You’re not. Go the fuck back home, dumbass.

He almost bankrupted so many farmers during his last tariff war, he wound up having to offer them (gasp) *socialism* in the form of a $28B bailout. 

For reference, that’s more than the dept of state budget (26.3B), nuclear forces (21.3), TANF (16.8), and others.


Also of note, many non-farmer friends of trump received millions… 


(edited bc I’m having formatting issues lol) 

What we can only hope is, more & more maga cult members keep showing up, even though they’ve been told it’s indoors, so that they are all left out in the cold & have wasted their money on the trip

Most likely the first of many “oh crap” realizations…which will be quickly forgotten

Hahahaha! Should have stayed on your farm while you still have it. Don’t expect him to give a shit about your financial struggles when he cuts off farming subsidies and does him promised tariffs.

Independent farmers who voted for Trump. At what point will you be overtaken and forced out of existence by corporate farming, labor shortages and tariffs?

I love this for them. What part of “i don’t care about you, I just want your vote” didn’t they understand?

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This is guy we could have had. Also, this is Minnesotan for, “Stop being a fucking pussy”

Sorry fellas, your god is a big pussy.

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