I hope they do

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If someone could give him the Alex Jones/Rudy Giuliani treatment, that would be gold.

I’m like 99% sure Elon has fucked a child.

Is this a callback to when they didn’t want to use his engineers’ submarine to rescue the kids from that cave?

The genius strikes again with his pedo comments. First is was a cave diver that saves kids, now it’s a a whole newspaper.

Sue. This. Fuckhead’s. Ass. For a good 10 billion!

Such a fragile ego

This is his favorite insult-that’s what he said about the hero who saved the Thai youth soccer team from the flooded cave. He was hurt they didn’t wait to use his submarine and he could have been the hero. He’d be pathetic if he wasn’t so dangerous.

Everything Leon says is simply projection.

Didn’t the guardian recently close their Twitter account?

Eh, won’t make a difference. He’ll make a fuss about how he’s right and they’re trying to silence him.

Sounds like he’s got a serious case of projection going on.

He has a habit of throwing those words around.

Remember when the kids were trapped in the flooded cave and the delicate genius threw out random ideas which were next to useless and he called the guy who was instrumental in getting them out a pedophile ….

This guy is a basket case.

Sounds like projection. He called that cave rescue guy a pedo, didn’t he?

elmo “epstein’s buddy” calling other people pedophiles

He is unhinged

Nah! Just ignore him. He’ll move on to another target soon enough. As sanity circles the plughole, his outbursts are becoming more frequent and erratic. It will probably be the Daily Mail next, for being too woke or something.

Says the person who’s platform regularly fails to remove CP / CSAM even after multiple reports…

why can’t he stay quiet and run the world from the background like every other oligarch?

What happened to no negativity?

Why is it the people accusing others of being pedos end up being pedos. We will find out about Elon soon enough, I’m sure.

More attempts by a fascist to undermine free press.


I do wonder at the reach of libel laws. If this was published by Elon in a UK publication, he would be sued immediately. Because he’s an SA citizen publishing on a US website, I do wonder if he’d still be subject to the same laws.


He better be ficking careful popping off in England, the liable laws are very different

He has a ton of money but he could also be fucking Hammered on a monetary judgment

Unfortunately, the Guardian is a UK publication. It would therefore be incredibly hard for them (or any of the Politicians in the UK he’s been libelling now for days on end) to sue him, and 1) get him to even acknowledge the case; 2) win the case; and 3) even if they were to win, to impose any of the judgement upon him.

Like a petulant child, he’d immediately try to turn it into a free speech USA vs. UK thing (despite that, actually, it’s far easier to libel someone without consequences in the UK than it is in the USA), trying to frame it as ‘free speech’ meaning that you should be able to literally just bare-faced lie and make baseless criminal accusations about people without any repercussions.

Said the guy who’s Dad has a kid with his adopted daughter..

Except he is the richest man in the world and untouchable.

He is a spoiled child who doesn’t like being told no. When his looney idea of him making a sub and personally rescuing those kids trapped in the cave was turned down and a British diver rescued them, he openly called him a Pedo. After suing him for this disgusting remark his lawyers got him off by claiming “oh it is a South African thing, you wouldn’t get it”.

The Guardian does not have the clout nor money to win this.

The guardian supports Trump/Epstein/Clinton/Musk/Prince Andrew?

it auto corrected republican party to
The guardian. Understandable.

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