I just don’t understand

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Human milk comes with the risk of human to human disease transmission. Also, a little harder to farm humans ever since the whole can’t own slaves thing.

Well that sums up my internet usage of the day

Dairy played an important part in human expansion. Especially to parts where agriculture for a long time was less reliable

Man’s never had a wife apparently lol

I like my milk sweet

Na na cant relate to this one

Human milk chesse when?


Why is this nsfw?


ok lets be real

The 1st optional is not legally do able or else people will be doing it for money(like onlyfans and so on)

If ever i see anyone drink from an animal boob im filming it and phoning the cops and all my friends.

it’s called an udder. and human milk doesn’t produce anywhere near the volumes that a cow can make

We’re also animals so this meme would just be the bottom part

Animal milk is actually safer to drink

why are you drinking from an animal that is currently engaging in coitus?

Humans can not properly process the milk from another human, yet here we are.

Found the Blizzard Milk Thief

It’s the result of social conditioning, there’s nothing much behind it. Drinking milk isn’t that common anyway, the majority of humanity is still lactose intolerant because it only really caught on in our part of the world.

What I’m curious of is how milk tasted before we domesticated and selectively bred livestock, mostly cows. That process in the span of thousands of years must have had a considerable effect on their milk.

OP showing off that high IQ

I’m down for either

Found homelander

People who make posts like this are probably the ones who eat tofu and try to milk a bull for the vitamin D

Sai do fake cellbit

That’s what I’m saying also the meat tastes much better

By that logic…… Is cannibalism good acc to you?

Are you suggesting we have farms full of lactating women? Stfu

I don’t drink milk. The idea is disgusting, no matter the source. Soy, almond, coconut, cashew, and oat milk is all I use.

How come I can eat animal flesh but not the flesh of a human? What a fucked up, backwards world.

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