I just wanted to invite my neighbor to watch a play😭

By vsteeth
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Well, that got awkward quickly.

Do they not speak english fluently or are they on drugs ?

“I should like to fuck and chill with you as a mature person” is he three 16 year olds in a trench coat???

Lmaoo 😂 wtf. People are so weird.

So………are you guys going to fuck and chill or what?

This is how the person read your messages.
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I don’t think this person knows what mature means

EDIT: Thanks for the awards 🫶🏾

The neighbor is semi-literate. They would not have appreciated a theatrical performance.


Good god. They don’t waste any time getting to the point do they? And the worst thing is … they’re a neighbour. So hard to avoid

I must have skipped some chapters… Because what is going on here…

Are you sure your neighbor is a human and not a robot in disguise?

You think someone with that vocabulary wants to watch a play?

Damn dude went straight for the jugular 😂

Hey, wanna hang out?

Sure, lets fuck.

They are “just” being honest 🤣

Please, please update us OP. For your sake we hope he’s hot. For our sake we hope he’s, according to a commenter, three horny teens under a trench coat.


Op, we’re you inviting him to a date? Because that’s how I asked my partner on out first date, so it’s amazingly hilarous if it were because he has no idea he just blew his chances TO fuck and chill 🤣

This guy has 100% been fantasizing about this moment happening

Well this escalated quickly.

I’ll never understand how some people are just so impossibly bad at communicating. Like how does this person survive on a day to day basis?


Bros straight up down bad

he talks like a chatbot, but like a chatbot from before ai was smart

I think maybe they read your top text as “do you want to watch ME play with me” like watch you play with yourself so they were down and wanted to know where you were right away. That’s all I can think of why they were confused lol

Hahahahahaha this is actually hilarious 🤣

I think this could be a non native English speaking neighbour?

happy it ends early and you dont waste your time

I think he read the ‘a’ as an ‘and’

Do you want to watch and play with me

Watch what?

Oh netflix and chill…and play


abort! abort! when you find out you’re neighbor’s an uncultured illiterate horny basturd.

Honest neighbor

Please tell us the name of the play!! This is some Shakespeare level romance

Dude skipped the play and went straight to foreplay lol

Awkward next time you are both bringing the trash bins to the curb.

Damn I’d be so excited for someone to invite me to a play 😭

Damn, I thought “Netflix and chill” had enough pretense, but I guess it’s too subtle for Mr. Fuck and Chill over here.

Imagine showing up at dudes place thinking y’all are going to go watch a play in your normal play watching attire and he opens the door butt ass naked.

*Hey! Are you ready to g—*

Bro had no chill…

How do you get “Do you want to fuck?” from “Do you want to watch a play?”

Bro is down bad 😂

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