I just wanted to scroll for a bit…

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it wasn’t just me?

Day after a very minor surgery – all I wanted was a my made up internet drama.

Constantly refreshing like a fiend ๐Ÿซฅ

Oh now i get it ๐Ÿ˜ซ i thought it was just me

I was like wtf is an update? (no)

Maybe I’ll try touching some grass for now until I can scroll again…

I knew I just had to hit refresh a few more times to see if this was happening to everyone else ahaha

Same ;-;

And here I called in the WiFi guy

Scroll a little bit? Yeah.

I thought it was just my internet smh!

Dude. For me, it posted my comment 4 times and then told me to stip commenting. I still can’t tell if I got shadow banned as spam over reddit glitch dying.

Get off work, close reddit. We are not the same.

Fr ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™

I’m glad people are spreading shit about me…losers..


Don’t lie your scrolling most of the day

lol yeah that was pretty annoying but it’s fine now

Oh is thats why the scroling stoped that one time

I’ve apparently slept through Reddit being down, I am simply the superior specimen

Honestly, blessing in disguise. Go get on some games or read.

Another app I was using was also glitching at the same time so I thought I was going crazy

Thought the world was ending. Piece of the sky fell on my driveway too.

Damn I guess it really was everyone, like I mean I got off work and then I went on Reddit, it was down, so then I tried to see if it was my internet connection and passed out while checking my router, so tbh I really donโ€™t have any clue when it went back up but I was here when it was down

Is that why it seemed to not load anything

So it wasn’t just me. Bought a brand new Ethernet cable because of it ๐Ÿ™

But like, you posted this lol

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