I keep being told by MAGA that this isn’t a cult… 😬

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You’d be hard pressed to find anyone active in any cult who admits to being in a cult. But yeah, Trumpies are loco.

Just look at the definition on a “cult”! It’s a play book of the trump republicans.

Here are some signs that you might be in a cult:
The group isolates members from friends and family, and may punish those who leave.
The group is led by an authoritarian figure who has absolute power and is not accountable.
The group controls members’ lives, including their finances, relationships, and personal choices.
The group uses fear to control members, such as threats of eternal damnation, shunning, or physical harm.
Black-and-white thinking
The group promotes a simplistic worldview that positions itself as good and the outside world as evil.
No questions
The group discourages critical thinking or dissent, and members must conform to the group’s beliefs without question.
Leader worship
The group seeks inappropriate loyalty to the leader, who is believed to be right at all times and the exclusive means of knowing truth.
Unreasonable fears
The group promotes unreasonable fears about the outside world, such as evil conspiracies or impending catastrophe.
Beliefs about leaving
The group believes that there is no legitimate reason to leave, and that former followers are always wrong for leaving.
People in cults often don’t realize they are in a cult until they are trying to leave or have already left.

The MAGA hat is just a socially accepted alternative to a klan mask.

The cult members are always the last ones to know. Ask anyone in Herbalife.

Ah….a parade in Dumbfukistan – tRumptards!

I am Republican and I still think this is ridiculous.

Wonder how all of these cult members feel about their Dear Leader submitting to his South African handler who is, clearly, more wealthy then he is.
Wonder why so many “patriots” voted for a South African Co-President?

It’s a cult. No doubt about it.

If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, and supports an orange duck – IT MIGHT BE A PHACKING CULT!!!

It’s like 1933 Germany all over again.

Trump is a designer cult leader. He designed himself. What is he? An almost 80 year old very white guy, balding, bad teeth, just over 6 feet tall and far too fat. He designed 6’ 3”, blond coiffed, make-up tanned, “successful” businessman with porcelain-white teeth, weighing 215 lbs … and with the help of a specialty scalp surgeon, top level orthodontist, heavy makeup, lifts in his shoes, and and overly long kipper tie to hide his fat belly, he achieved his dream. The mob adores their blond gladiator king even though he’s as fake as the Wizard of Oz.

All cultists deny that they are in fact in a cult.

Scientology with guns

It looks like a damn memorial service except they aren’t in black.

Self-awareness isn’t in their wheelhouse. They lack the emotional intelligence to ever imagine how others might see them.

If it walks like a cult and quacks like a cult, then it’s a cult.

Acts like, looks like, talks like, a mind controlling cullt

It’s a cult and a mental illness.

100% a cult. I drive by a house daily with a trump sign in their yard with the picture of him after he didn’t get shot with the flag behind him. I so badly want to post a big “I’m in a cult” sticker over it.

Every cult member denies they’re in a cult until after they get out.

Definitely a cult.

Its one llarge Bible study group. Praising the new Grandpa Soupy Pants messiah!

TRUCKS-ONLY breeding ground?

Issa cult a very uneducated cult

Taylor Swift fans are less crazy 🤣

Somebody bound to have a bumper sticker. Just gotta look closely

You guys just don’t understand. It’s a lifestyle


Cults gonna cult.

I tried so hard not to laugh but I laughed just the same. Bunch of weirdos.

American cult

They buy all of the Made in China crap. No wonder they can’t buy eggs, a loaf of bread or three apples.

I’m still team joy. We are going to win in 2028. Harris AOC ticket. The two bravest more articulate women in history.

I am a boomer and I just don’t get it. I lived through many Presidents and don’t get the idol worship or appeal of Trump. I mean if you like corruption and smelly diapers, yes.

Anyone who is devoted to any political party is in a cult

A cult of racist, wanna be sexual abuser scumbags.

When and where was this taken?

Yes, they keep coming to you and telling you they aren’t a cult.

They don’t know the definition of a cult

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American Taliban

Yeah – and January 6th was a tour group.

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