I keep forgetting how big the Russian Federation is

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You forgot Belarus

Ah, yes, the recently added Американская ССР, very accurate map.

Mercator is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

At least they got Alaska back

At this point, I think it’s safe to say that Russia won the cold war.

It’s not the Federation, it’s “pal putin'”sEmpire.

Russia finally broke the old empire’s size record.

You forgot Belarus, Crimea, and parts of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson

This is what I mean when all of those articles kept trying to peddle the “Russia will run out of raw materials soon trust me” crap XD

You forgot Belarus

Karma is really easy to farm these days. Trump + russia = cheat code.

nice to see the far away provinces of america and its great governor trump

When is the new Greenland map pack getting dropped? Can’t wait to explore the new areas.

And just like that, Russia got Alaska back, and way more

Gulf of Russia

You can add Belarus and North Korea.

You keep forgetting that more than two colors exist, are you stupid?

In this map projection, Russia looks smaller than in others.

The sun never sets on the Russian empire

Yes, people often forget about the Америка oblast

Permafrost – 67% of the territory


Indeed you forget. To be precise forgot Belarus and Hungary

And still the size of it pales in comparison to the size of Texas

You forgot Hawaii stupid.

Damn Europe trying to become 52nd

Love it. And united state oblast mostly..

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Back in the USSAR!

What’s the old saying, the sun never sets on the Russian Federation.

Grow up.

This is how they re take Alaska

The largest puppet state there is.

You forgot Crimea.

Russia is the best!

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