I keep getting these letters on my car, they are correct it is a paid parking spot, however I PAY FOR IT.

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I had multiple copies of one of the pages of my home deed that proved my paid parking space was part of my townhome. One of the people in the units slashed my tires to try and make me “give up” the spot, in an effort to make it feel “dangerous” to park there. He got a $2,500 small claims charge instead, since he did it twice, and I got pictures the second time.

This happened to me before. My parking spot was numbered 21, the person kept threatening me with notes until one day she blew up on me when we came across each other in person. She had just moved in a few weeks ago when I had been there for 3 years. She insisted I was wrong and that it was her spot.

She finally showed me her parking permit. The number on it was 12. Not 21. She never spoke to me again lol

Maybe leave a note on your car that says it’s your spot and you pay for it with a phone number of the people who provide you with the spot?

If this is an apartment complex then take the notes to the office and ask them WTF. If they say it is not them doing it which by the note probably not then tell them they will report the car as stolen if it gets towed.

If the office confirms in writing it’s your paid spot and not them writing the note then post that on your car with the same warning about reporting the car as stolen if it gets towed.

I had something similar happen to me. I lived in my apartment for four years and went thought a few different management companies.

One day a random car starts parking in my paid spot. I go to leave them a note on the car saying to not park there or I will call to have them towed, but then look at the placard on their windshield. It was issued for my spot……

I called the apartment complex. They lost the records of the spots and thought mine was empty. They offered it to someone who newly leased with them.

They fixed it. Especially since I have e-mail proof of updating my tags, registration, and even had to ask for a new placard.

Just call your complex. Be nice. And let them know what’s going on. I’m sure it will get figured out. But if you like your spot stand firm that they can’t have it.

Check with your leasing office. I once had this happen to me and it turned out the leasing office typoed the new tenant’s parking space number as mine when they notified them of the assignment.

If this is something like an apartment complex parking you might want to double check they didnt sell your spot to someone else

Had that happen to me. We were supposed to pick up a new placard, forgot, so they sold it to someone else. While continuing to charge me

This happened to me at my complex and it turned out they assigned two of us the same spot. Take it to the office and tell them to figure it out.

I had this happen to me a few times before I finally caught the person doing it. Thankfully when I said, “Yo, I pay for this spot” they didn’t call me a liar or anything, they just said, “Me, too!” That’s when we found out our property manager double sold the spot by accident; they put the wrong stall # on my neighbor’s lease. Thankfully (again) there was an available stall a few spots from mine so they changed the number on my neighbor’s lease and they got that one. Hopefully it’s just a misunderstanding!

1) Put printed proof in the windshield that the spot is yours 2) Add a little note to the proof saying they can call the leasing office if they have questions, and that you will report the car stolen and pursue legal recourse if they have it illegally towed.

On the inside window of your car, tape the proof that it is your spot.

Plot twist: OP has a split personality and is actually leaving those notes on their own car.

As some others have said, don’t assume they’re exactly in the wrong either. Check with whoever manages that parking lot first, they could have given them the same spot you have.

I once had a problem where my building double rented a spot because they changed how they were recording the rentals and lost track of the person who already rented it. So for over a week I was driving the “next time we tow” type stickers, that the building gave me, on their car.
Finally after a week they complained to the office, and the office sorted it out. They refunded our rent in the space for the month and gave us a different spot going forward.

Check with your landlord, there might be a new tenant and they might have gotten the wrong parking spot information

Maybe someone is double dipping and you’re both paying for the same spot? I’d leave a note back stating as much and suggest having a face to face conversation about it. It seems like they’re not malicious, based on the hearts and pink writing.

If you meet face to face you both can find out if either of you are being ripped off.

Call your property manager and inform them that someone is threatening you over your paid parking space.


There is a chance you are both paying for the spot. It happens. One is just fraudulent.

Leave a note on your car for them that says “this is my parking spot. Please call the landlord at xyz number if you have an issue”

Place a note on your car that you pay for the spot and ask them to leave their phone number and name for you. Then you can call them and talk about it. Someone might just have mixed up the numbers or the landlord gave them the wrong number for their spot.

I would put an outward facing letter on my car in that spot when I park:

TO WHOEVER IS LEAVING NOTES ON MY CAR. I pay for this parking space. Whatever issue you have please take it up with building management. If you keep leaving notes on my car I will be forced to involve the police department for harassment and review the security footage.

Chances are someone is just confused about their spot or building management fucked up, should clear it up quickly.

I suspect double renting of the parking spot..

One of you is confused. It might be you. Double check.

Report that shit to the office immediately

Reach out to your leasing office. It’s possible that they double leased out that spot by mistake.

Hey. I say check with any leasing/community office to make sure they aren’t messing up. It could be you both think you’re right because a third party messed up. If not that then write a note back that it’s your spot and install a dash camera that can record when motion activates near your car. Sometimes both people get dealt a bad card and trying to be nice before a blowup is better. I hope it works out.

Since it’s an anonymous note, make a copy of your receipt showing the parking spot number, place that on your dash. Hopefully the person will see it the next time they try to leave a note. If not, then the tow truck driver should see that and will refuse to tow.

Why is everyone saying post proof on your own car? You don’t owe this random person any proof of payment. Let them call the company, they’ll quickly find out you’re not in the wrong.

Do the same and leave a note saying “I PAID”

It’s so disturbing when people threaten something serious and then end with a heart and a “have a great day!” Fucking psychopath.

Next time you park up, leave a note for that person telling them that you are the one who paid for it so when they come out and leave a note on your car, they see the note YOU left

Are the spots numbered? Is your number a different number when you read it upside down? Maybe yours is 68 and they pay for 89?

Either way, I’d leave a note on your own car so they find it if they try to leave a new one. Just explain that this must be a misunderstanding and you’d be happy to help clear it up if they text or e-mail you.

Flip the note over and write in a different color: 
“Yes, this *is* a paid parking space. I PAY FOR IT.” 

They probably post the note in the same spot. Get a camera, and find out who it is and at what time.

Time to get a dash cam that can record when it’s parked.

Get confirmation from your managing office that it’s your paid spot.

Sleep in the car and when the AH tries to put the note on it, scared the shit out of them

You need to talk to the complex management and maybe leave a note for this idiot saying you know it’s a reserved spot because you have been paying for the spot for 2+ years. They could call a tow company and get you towed. The tow company will still charge you a bunch to get your car back and they will probably damage or scratch the vehicle when they tow it.

Replace it with a note that says in small letters “IM RIGHT BEHIND YOU. NOW LETS TALK!” And then wait quietly.

I’d notify the management and leave my own note saying “to whoever is leaving me notes that I’ve stolen your parking spot, I have paid for this spot for 2 years and I will continue to park where I pay monthly to do so. Contact management for clarification, they’re waiting to hear from you”

get a dash cam for your car. don’t let her win that’s your spot through and through.

Wait until they park there, then call a towing company.

I had a neighbor leave a note in my tree stand saying I must have my name plainly displayed on my tree stand ( my private land). He erected a giant homemade ladder type tree stand 50 feet from me. I returned with my chainsaw and cut the tree down so it landed on his stand turning it into toothpicks. I’m grinning right now and that was 30 years ago !!

“Most threatening”

*written in pink ink, has a heart, says please and thank you*

…maybe talk to your nice neighbors instead of getting butthurt and posting which does nothing to help.

Someone is cashing in double apparently

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