I know I’m late but I just saw Joker 2 and I’m actually pissed off

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I still haven’t seen it. Probably never will.

It seems I’ve dodged a bullet. But seriously, the trailer were it kinda looked like a musical was already a red flag.

it’s a weird musical that’s intentionally boring on purpose but also trying to make a sequel that also condemns the incel romanization but it also knows it can’t live up to the first movie. why even make a sequel at that point

Why? What makes it so bad? If you can bear to relive it by describing it lol

I’ve seen people say it’s bad, but not WHY. I’m genuinely curious, I never wanted to watch it in the first place, as I don’t waste my time with sequels nobody asked for (won’t ever watch Gladiator 2 for this reason as well), but I am happy to hear from someone who DID waste their time watching it lol

They saw how all the nerds who don’t feel special reacted to the first movie and said we wont be doing that again

I farted and it smells.

Hate to break it to you, but you were warned


Its on hbo max now,still not gonna watch it😅

That movie is kinda admirable in that I’ve never seen anything so pointedly designed to bomb.

I mean it was well crafted, well executed, beautifully shot, and what was on the screen seemed to be exactly what was intended to be there and there wasn’t a damn thing that wasn’t supposed to make you hate it. It was a musical that didn’t even seem to be interested in selling a soundtrack ffs. Kind of an amazing feat.

fully a deuce

Watching the pitch meeting, instead of the Dumpster fire that was joker 2, is TIGHT!

Jesus, that bad? But wasn’t the first one good though? (At least I thought it was)

If I go to watch it ironically, would it be good? Ironically?

Downright annoying! It’s just a calm down movie.

I loved the first Joker movie and got really disappointed when they announced a second. It’s impossible to recreate something so good. I knew it’d be a disaster

I wish the producer gets luigi’ed tbh

Hated the first movie, the second one gets the point across that most people missed.

Yall saw the first one, and thought the 2nd would be any better 🤣

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