I know that break room quiet as hell

By Zulumus
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Bro thought he had a blessing. Gon head and bless me with some extra sauce for my McNuggets my nigga.

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Right! they were allegedly bragging on Facebook too. All of that for an empty bag, and gonna still be working at McDonalds. Stank ass

*edit to not spread misinformation

If they don’t pay up it sends a message to the public:

“ Yeah, we lied. There’s no reward. “

Which is actually good, because it ties in with what people are saying; the system is rigged.

We call that poetic justice


You McFucked up

Can’t even leave with a bag of food at the end of the shift round ol boy

I heard they fired him, too.

Back to the grill


Welcome to the American bull crap system. This person won’t learn, though. The system is built for you NOT to win…. but be a slave until you die.

We all know who’s scrubbing the kitchen clean every night until they die

Bet he’s realizing AssassinBae had a point.

You about to move from Fries to toilets

You’re telling me this old ass bitch sold us out for *nothing???* Goddamn boomers, man.

It wasn’t a dude. It was an old white lady. They already found her on facebook

Minding your own business costs nothing.

She snitched lost her job and didn’t get the reward lmao


Bro learned nothing from watching him as a kid smh

If they ever bring back *The Boondocks*, this needs to be the season premiere because that is straight-up Aaron McGruder levels of irony.

What an objectively terrible precedent to set. The government should be bending over backwards to make the snitch sound like a hero.

Glad they’re incompetent as shit. Now people will learn no good comes from snitching.


Hope all the future would-be snitches are seeing this and realize that those rewards are as imaginary as those health benefits.

broke ass gonna stay at the fryer lol. hope her claim gets denied when she needs medical help. and we all know that McDonald’s pay ain’t gonna do shit. lol

I’d never do it unless the money hit first. But even then I’d still lie

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“Total up how much money the tip was worth” didn’t the tip literally allow this guy to be caught? Seems like it’s worth the whole 50k


What I don’t understand is why other harmful or predatory business executives like media executives not received the same scrutiny as insurance execs? They’re massively responsible for the divisiveness and deterioration of our society. Fox News, CNN, the list goes on and on. Just look at how they’ve reported this event…

Funny how the billionaires ain’t sending him big money for snitching. This would definitely make it more likely of getting caught as it would give real incentive to snitch. Oh well…

So now everybody hate you, you got no monies, no job and probably no health insurance because it was most likely tied to the job.


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