I left my brownies cooling on the counter… No one in my family will admit to who’s responsible

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Brownie points for any family member who turns another family member in.

You know who it was. There’s always one.


Tell them you are going to throw the entire thing away cause the only alternantive explanation is that mice have been eating it and that makes the entire thing poisonous.

Clearly not a brownie connoisseur – they left too much of the crusty goodness of the brownie edge.

Id be happy to come over and do a full investigation of the left over brownies.

Not gonna lie, I’d take a bite too

Tell them they are very “special” medicinal brownies for a sick friend.  And that they ate about 8x the normal dose.  Watch to see who starts sweating. 

I would know exactly who this is in my house. Very few people will skip the edge.

I did it. I’m sorry.

Now I want brownies


They left the best part

I’ve noticed this happens naturally sometimes when brownies are cooling.

-your family, probably

What sicko passes up on the corner piece?!

Make a batch with laxative in them next time and they’ll self report

Do you have pets that have access to a knife?


You can hire me for free. I will inspect the brownie for u. I need 2 hours alone time with the brownies.

Honestly if I saw this I’d be like “ooh cool, free edge goodness”, and just eat it on the fly. The calories don’t count that way

Ask them each to open their mouths lmao it’s likely in their teeth still 😆

You could mention that you need to know because you used hash oil in the recipe, and you’re concerned you added too much. The culprit will start acting very paranoid. If no one fesses up, but the rest of the brownies disappear, you’ll know you have a different problem on your hands.

Uhm. Who were they for? Wouldn’t your family end up eating them anyway?

ngl, those brownies look amazing!

Who doesn’t like the corners?! Start your investigation there haha. Personally, I’d be fine with it though because they left me the best part. 😅🤷🏻‍♀️

They missed the best part. The crispy edges are the best when warm!

You’re responsible. You left it unguarded! 🤣

Whoever is responsible left the best part.

Why infuriating when they left you the best part?

Strong family

I cannot lie. It was me…

They left the best part.

Been there, done that. Leaving that side piece is the real crime here.

The way one of my friends got a confession from her housemates about this was by saying out loud that she might have screwed up the recipe and used an ingredient that might cause really bad stomach problems.

Warm brownies are amazing though

Have everyone rinse and spit…someone will
Have crumbs 😝

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