I legit spat my drink when I read this, jesus christ….

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Fortunately Vindman has already taken steps to protect himself, and I’m confident he’s prepared for whatever may come. 

Not that I’m not scared for him, but he knows he’s a high profile target and he knows what that means. 

Alexander Vindman is a great American patriot. They’ve tried to silence him before, and it didn’t work. I feel already like I’m living in 1950s Soviet Russia.

Kinda rich of Elmo talking about treason when he’s the Kremlin’s favourite cocksleeve.

I fucking hate liars and Elon is a fucking liar. A pasty, fat, cringy ass liar.

Vindman should sue him for defamation, only for the purpose of forcing Leon Skum to stand up in court and admit he’s full of shit.

It’s time we take back our government from the rich

At this rate, we’ll need a Supreme Court app just to keep up.

And the people who are supposed to protect us from people like Elon Musk are taking it all sitting down. Neat.

Musk should face the final penalty.

From the whinny, bloated cosplay bitch who is committed to being furthest from the front lines.

Stalins henchman. Musk is foreign agent and will help destroy the United States. Fall of the Roman Empire has begun.

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This is disgusting and so damn scary. This man Vindman is a true patriot.

Edit to add a name

The same Elon Musk, who is an immigrant who let his Visa expire.

This is coming feom the same Elon Musk who is having private phone calls with Vlad Putin, right?…

As opposed to musk, who is working for a Russian oligarch…

And it’s all bullshit that can’t be proven in a court of law, but the misinformation will spread to MAGA like wildfire and that’s the type of stuff that gets people hurt or killed, they are using MAGA like pawns to do the dirty work.

Elon is literally Vlad’s pocketpussy. He shouldn’t be talking about anyone else. 

vindman has a purple heart

musk is a mamas boy panzy asss

Vidman called Elon out to produce the evidence!! I hope he sues his ass.

“Karate lessons” with Ghislaine Maxwell, Epsteins pimp for getting underage “massage” girls for her boss.

Putin or someone else has tapes and Musk knows it.

Serval of Trumps former toadies testified against him when their asses were on the line.

How long before Guliani, Jenna Ellis, Michael Cohen etc have their lives on the line for crossing the god emperor?


Elmo needs to stay in his lane—preferably the one with oncoming traffic.

I’m now wondering if one day, Elon’s going to dress up in a costume and go beat up or kill people he hates with his own hands.

Oh Elon. You’re not important, you’re not smart, you’re not cool, you’re not cute. You’re just rich. And your downfall when you inevitably trip on your own hubris is going to be global entertainment. Ah, the schadenfreude will be epic.

Do people just not get that while Musk might be a a US citizen, hasn’t taken an oath of office or voiced any kind of public allegiance to our country. He’s isn’t in it for the good of the USA, he’s in it for good ole Musk.

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