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If I ran a county, I’d troll the fuck out of him too.

I, for one, welcome our new Danish overlords.

Just buy the Presidency. It only cost Elon 250 million US dollars.

USA would be so better off with Danish overlords. You better hope it happens!

Man, I know it’s a joke, but that would be AWESOME. I had the privilege of living in Denmark for a few months years ago, and it was just amazing all around.

Yes, buy us, please.

Denmark buying the U.S. would be a gift to Americans.

Iā€™m for it

Offer accepted Denmark, no payment is necessary at the time and please get started right away on helping this country be worth something other than a giant killing machine.

Please buy us!

Yes please

As an American I’m all for it. This upcoming presidency is going to be a shit show. I’ll even learn Danish if I have to.

I’ll chip in my 2 cents. That should get him a haircut

If Denmark starts a gofundme I will kick in a few AUD$ to help.

I think a lot of Americans would like that idea. They should have a referendum.

Uhh, yes please? Can you guys just take me if everyone else says no?

If anyone is willing to start a gofundme to help Denmark pull this off, I’m willing to donate

Donā€™t do it, Denmark! Youā€™ll have serious buyerā€™s remorse


You can feel every word being put into those sentences with care and love for delivering the maximum fuck-you to the USA government. On that note, not a single word is an insult to the working people.

Bravo Denmark!!!!

I’d vote for this

Hmmm a global go fund me account needs to be set up. Iā€™m pretty sure the planet would contribute to Denmark


Vote for it?

How do I learn Denmarkanese?

Please? I’d take this offer!

The problem is that the warranty does not count, when you knew the product had flaws when you bought it.

Can Denmark buy Canada too? I don’t want US to buy us but Denmark is the Canada of Europe, so they should totally buy us.

(If anyone doesn’t get it, I stole the joke from South Park “Canada on Strike” episode.)

I know this is a joke, but can it not be? Because I’m personally down for us to be run by Denmark.

American here. Iā€™ve been to Copenhagen. In fact, Iā€™ve been to Nyhavn, which is pictured here.
Sign me the fuck up.

Iā€™ll take what I saw there vs Trump.

I’m on board as long as it makes us use the metric system

Bring it on.

Iā€™m sold!

Iā€™m in!

Iā€™m in!

I support this

Unironically yes

Please yes.

As a shareholder, I insist that we entertain offers.

Can we vote for that?


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