I like this new chapter in Black Twitter 🤣

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Superman’s arch-nemesis is literally an egomaniacal billionaire.

These fucking weirdos…

He needs to behind Musk so he can eat his ass easily 😉

Jim: You’re not the manager? Even in your own fantasy? Dwight: I’m the owner. The co-owner. With Satan!

It’s so funny that all these losers have no shame in kissing ass of billionaire who don’t give a shit about them.

How you NPC in your own cutscene?

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A true “pick me!”


This picture is nuts. These MF don’t even put the dad on this level.

Having a normal one, eh lads?

This grp of people are just so fucking weird bro

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Good Ol Merlin’s secretary

Dwight ass energy

Imagine having enough money to fix every problem in the world tenfold and just not doing because your hellbent on being dingus prime.

The way some men act will never not be weird to me.

Some people are into cucking.

Elon Drake and Vivek Akademiks

Whelp just threw up a lil in my mouth 🤮

elon/trump/joe rogan fans

have a crazy cross over between each other
and all of them are just horribly stupid mediocre men looking for role models

Man, how is this guy alive with elons dick in his mouth 24/7?


Please God, we don’t know what is going on, all the awful people have all the power now. We could use a little attention.

AI is doing a lot of work here and musk still looks like Jaba in a suit

Captain Cumthroat lookin ass

please can you fly to mars in your rocket already

“Holy inferiority complex Batman”

The caste system is crazy man.

Someone need to tell Sidharth that the only reason Elon want to bring more Indians is so he can pay them less than Americans

he needs to pop that white dick out his mouth

What a fucking SIMP. LOL

[Holy Inferiority Complex Batman! ](https://youtu.be/C6sVY5sjP54?si=3wh9xED4Km-XxEUX)

Homeboy is a waiter in his own fantasy.

I thought superman is from America not in South Africa hmmm


Superman was American right

Which Superman was he morbidly obese, on Ozempic, and stuck in a k-hole?

Did he just out himself? Because it is known recently that Clark’s friend from the Daily Planet is gay.

Ficking Nancys.

Elon would literally be a villain in supermen…you know is since that basically who the main villain already is.

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