I love oligarchy!

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He wants to be able to just directly scam you. Then he can give up and make his products *worse.* But if you say “this isn’t what I paid for” he can just go “well, do something about it. Oh wait, I took all your avenues of affordable legal help” and stick his tongue out like a child.

Bank of America was completely dicking me around over a $5000 fraudulently cashed check. It went on for months and I was getting nowhere. Within two days of filing a complaint with CFPB, BofA and was calling me to figure things out and within a week I had my money.

The government is accountable to the people. Private enterprise is not. A huge distinction. Those that own everything want to be sure that you have no one to appeal to.

So which is the duplicative agency? I bet there isn’t one.

Let get rid of the newest one, that doge right?

Do evil people know they are evil or are they just so narcissistic that they actually don’t clue in until someone beats them over the head with it? (phrase)

Cybertrucks first winter is approaching, and I REALLY need to avoid those wrongful death suits headed our way.

The poorly educated republicans who lives paycheck to paycheck wants it gone too since their millionaire/billionaire idols told them it needed to go so they agree without knowing what CFPB is.

On the 2nd latest Joe Rogan podcast there was a billionaire complaining about the same agency. This is their next move, to remove all protections for you guys (Americans) and really go in without lube.

‘Snake oil salesman doesn’t want consumers to be protected.’

Americans have a weird opinion of regulations. It seems like both side see it as bad somehow.

Regulations is what makes aviation safe. It’s what makes cars safer every year, it keeps buildings from falling, tunnels from collapsing. Regulations is what will beat the opioid epidemic.

If anti-regulation people always ran the country, there’d still be lead in gasoline.

What’s ironic is they won’t regulate the #1 child killer (guns) but have no problem regulating a woman’s body.

Isn’t there already a United States Government Accountability Office that already does what DOGE is suppose to do?

Of course the guy who makes money on Tesla cars wants this removed. Teslas are put together like a fifth grade craft project

Elmo has no fucking clue what he’s doing. He’s just a drug addled ketamine freak that will one day, maybe even soon, implode in spectacular fashion.

And I will be there to watch it. Popcorn in hand.

As someone who use to work for a mortgage servicer handling CFPB complaints this is NOT a good idea!! I had several customers whom i was able to get their issue fixed but i guarantee it wouldn’t have been fixed without the complaint because the customer service rep never fixed it, and gave out bad information.

Too bad almost half of working people decided they loved getting dicked over.

It says a lot about conservatives when they’re alright with handing the management of federal programs over to a child

Can’t believe this fraudulent anti-American seemingly has his hand in the governments pocket. There’s no way this can be allowed, but I only say that because the absurdity of this is staggering. 

Is anyone else bothered by him using “delete” in place of something like get rid of? To me it seems like he thinks getting rid of everything he wants to will be a simple as removing a typo from a paragraph

Anyone else starting to debate paying taxes for the next 4 years? Trump doesn’t give a shit about them, and I’m not sure there’s going to be a government left of a social security, Medicaid, food stamps, anything that could actually benefit me.

We’re sooooo fuked passports on its way can’t wait I’m bailing from the sinking ship

Republicans tried to kill the CFPB in the first Trump administration, too.

Fucking idiots voted for these people to improve the economy when every idea they have will make it worse.

Santander USA refused to work with me on an old account I had until I filed with CFPB. Only agency that helped me out.

“Ravioli Ravioli I love the oligarchy!!”


America did not elect trump’s cabinet. As a matter of fact, most of them have been voted against already.

Deport this trash can

How is DOGE going to not be a duplicate of GAO?

We need to get rid of those stupid safety regulations that are eating profits too!

(something i actually hear rich people say lol)

Funny how no one trusts Musk to run a company but Trump trusts him to manage all gov agencies

You guys are just consumers, I’m sure it wouldn’t impact you at all.

How long before dissidents start falling out of windows? Land of the free, home of the brave.

Wouldn’t DOGE be the redundant version of the GAO? Eliminate DOGE.

Elon is going to focus on agencies that make running his businesses more difficult. It’s as simple as that.

if there’s any small consolation, the united states government is not a corporation or a company like leon is used to- he says a lot but we will see what our enemies achieve.

the best move is to muk, muddle, confuse, and slow these fascists down for the next two years.

Americans wanted this by their votes

Delete the agency that will fine me billions for the Cybertruck fiasco

Have I personally received 20 billion? Then it’s not a good agency!!

Is that 20 billion total or a $20 billion return on investment per annum?

Just wondering.

delete Elon Musk

$1 billion is actually a crazy high operating budget for something like this, what the hell?

Musk is a pile of trash that needs to go fuck off

Is “duplicative” a word?

Elon is the biggest loser on the planet. I just don’t know how else to say it.

Well well well, if it isn’t the cunt selling overpriced, costly to insure, accident prone junk that wants to take away consumer protection.

Inb4 ‘they didn’t say how old it is!’

It’s 13y old. So it’s been a net gain of 500m per year, at least. (possibly more, considering it probably didn’t start with that budget)

L ,l loo

He has no power.
He is a pathetic attention whore and everyone is giving him exactly what he wants.
Ignore that fat old loser.

Elon is about to FAFO with Warren

It’s almost as the most powerful nation in human history with over 350 million citizens requires more than a handful of people to keep running (somewhat) smoothly.

They are completely useless, og10ktech still haven’t payed me back

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