I made a brief summary of some of the content and changes coming in Season 1!

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I do hope these “fps improvements” actually work


Very clean, I like it. They should have released something like this officially.


Nice work 👌

Didn’t they also mention a new game mode? Something about Doom?

*google google google*

> New Game Mode: Doom Match

> In this mode, 8 to 12 players will battle on a single map, each belonging to a different faction, with all factions being hostile to each other. Players earn points by knocking out enemies, and at the end of the match, the top 50% of players by default will be considered the winning side.

And I’m just here waiting for news on Ultron.

Back to gold?
comment image

Ranks decrease by 7 divisions seems a bit brutal.

Since mouse acceleration will be an official setting now, does that mean that those who disabled it by editing the config file will have to remove the edited text from the file? Or would it be alright to just leave it alone?

Cloak and Dagger getting buffed and lack of Luna ult nerf is wild

Is jeff really getting nerfed or just adjustment to visuals of his ult? I don’t think he’s that strong, would be uncool if they nerf him.

They’re not nerfing Jeff, they’re just making the ult hit box clearer.

Wish the cross progression was out already. Seems like it’ll take a while!

I hope the Jeff nerf is is focused solely on his ult…the rest of his kit still kinda sucks despite the massive buffs he got in the chinese beta.

cloak and dagger buff? They look already very strong to me

Good job on the infographics.

That ranked decay scares me. I need to climb just 2 more ranks in 3 days only to fallback to Gold 1

Why the hell is wolverine and venom being buffed? Did they not watch their own tournament from the weekend where wolverine and venom were absolute menaces? LOL

Based devs


Stormers rise up

Is this list the only buffs/nerfs characters will receive ? I don’t want my boy Thor to be at 500HP base like come on…

Nice. Now if only I didn’t get a GPU crash with the game once an evening…

Sitting at diamond 3, I’m wondering if I try to climb to diamond 2 so that I only drop to gold 3, or if I just accept that I’ll drop to silver 1 and avoid the chance of deranking before the season ends.

I tried my best to get to gold 3 recently and now waiting to be decayed to bronze 3 again 😭 I’m so bad smh

wolverine…. buffs?

What is the jeff nerf about?

Wolverine buff could create a new broken monster ngl, because he is pretty strong right now. I hope they buff his base attack and reduce % hp so he can kidnap everyone, fix clunky leap animation, add wallclimb,.. maybe reduce passive time

Hawkeye and Hela nerf? Any details?

I wonder if they’ll finally fix the “GPU crash” problem

wheres my fucking rocket buffs RIOTTTTTT

Sigh..guess my Black Widow didn’t deserve love

Glad they release invisible woman in day 1 S1, I would be mad they did it like mid season.

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