I met Lola at work yesterday and look at her TEEF

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Te ef

I had a dog with a gap like this, when he slept sometimes I’d slip a spaghetti noodle through it and he’d immediately wake up and munch

Bright smile ❤️❤️

She’s a beautiful girl!

What’s the breed, is it corgi?

Stop itttt! I love her little teefs! 🥲

What a beautiful sweet girl

Dawww gap teeth

Her teeth are so cute

I love her! 

I want to stick my little finger through it so bad 😭

Love the wittle teef

Teefer Sutherland over here!

Oh my gosh what a goober!


How cute he is I love it

She is a winner! What a smile 😃.

A beauty 🥹

Omg she’s amazing. If Bobs Burgers had a dog

That is one of the most adorable frickin things ever and it looks like her family was loosely related to a seal

Aaaaawwww! She has the cutest smile!

She don’t howl, she whistle 😙 😭😙

Too cute


That’s a seal! 🦭

The Uzo Aduba of the canine variety!!

What a sweet face and endearing smile Lola has!

Still adorable!

What an adorable dog! Not a lot makes me smile. Dogs make me smile. When I see people walking their dogs, those dogs are so happy and it brightens my day.

Just the cutest baby! 🥰🥰🥰

How sweet.

My Corgi cattle dog has teefs like this. The two middle ones in his bottom row are tiny nubbins. We call them “hims baby toofers” He also has two other teeth that never came in.

Just curious, but do you have a similar gap in your teeth? 

I only ask because it’s been speculated that owners and puppers start resembling each other. My Pop lost a front tooth, and shortly after his pupper lost the exact same tooth. So they were… twins, lol..


Tee fees 😍


Her name was Lola…

She lost some teethies…

She honestly didn’t mind…

Her smile still so kind…

Adorable 🥰🥰🥰

I absolutely cannot handle the gap in his teeeef 🥰

Lola is perfect

lil teefs!

Omg! A gap! Love it

That’s Michael strahan from the doggiverse 😉

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