I never was religious

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Old lady has already lived her life


I see only 2 Options: you either Pull a sick drift and get both or you take one out and get the other one while reversing.

Hit the baby, it’ll do little to no damage to your car

That is not a crossroads ๐Ÿง

Trying to find, the, brakes.

Can’t stop or cross the road?

Hit the brakes

Old lady for sure

cant you just drive into a side way?

You too OP?

Tokyo drift to hit them both. That’s how you get your multiplier up.

Pull off a sick drift and hit both


Hell yeah

Old people are useless to society, they probably won’t remember it anyways thanks to their dementia

Both are dependant people who need help from family to survive, are going through emotional stress because of brain changes, both can’t really walk without assistance, both are wearing diapers and loose clothing, and both will cause tremendous grief to their families upon dying; however, the death of either will not be of particular note, because one belongs to a group of people who sometimes spontaneously die because of a developing immune system and random dangers, while the other belongs to a group of people who sometimes spontaneously die from being old.ย 

Flip a coin.ย 

Drift is the awansers

When they ask me how to solve the trolley problem, I answer with:

## Multi-track Drifting ##


It concerns me the amount of people that don’t know this is a song lyrics pun.

There’s a website where you can answer these kind of questions.

It was to training car AI.

But the fucked up thing was, you could always only choose between kill A or B.

There never was the option to tell the AI to just drive to the side, to hit the tree or a wall or whatever.

And if we try to stop at the zebra crossings, like madness

Guys, judging by the picture, we can literally slow down


Slide inbetween

Try to hit both with a drift so that thereโ€™s no witnesses

Is it a joke about pre destination??

It probably doesn’t even have memories yet

That is the kind of song Iโ€™d listen to while running down the old lady

Deja Vu

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