I ordered 12 tomatoes. I received 12 bunches of 6 tomatoes. I have 72 tomatoes and I leave the country for 2 weeks tomorrow…

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God damn man, you just became a new math problem

You can make and freeze a simple pasta sauce.

What were you going to do with 12 tomatoes for one day?

See if your area has a “buy nothing” group and put them on there for a neighbour to use

You should give some to your neighbors or some family. Its better than them rotting in a drawer or on the counters for two weeks. Plus that way they won’t go to waste.

Freeze them and you can use them later 😉

Edit : but take those Stickers off First

Donate it or have someone donate them to the homeless shelters.

we’re you at all surprised by the $100+ for 12 tomatoes?

I can see why you’re *stewed*.

If you have time today drop them off at a center for the homeless or something.. They’re perishable so they need to be eating soon.

It takes you an hour and a half to cook salsa.

Got neighbors? Maybe they’d like some tomatoes?

Attend a comedy show.

O oh…looks like you’re in deep sauce now!

Some people in your neighborhood or community might appreciate an extra tomato or two!

Lol I’m laughing so hard. That’s so many tomatoes 🍅

When live gives you tomato’s, .. make ketchup?

CALL YOUR LOCAL FOOD BANK!! They might be able
to take them as a donation and give them out

When life gives you 72 tomatoes, …and yes, there is joke in that specific number, but anyways… when life gives you 72 tomatoes, you make tomato juice.

Freeze em and make some sauce when you get back.

You should throw them at cybertrucks.

Give them to neighbours.

Looks like you’ll be travelling with a case full of tomato sandwiches, a few flasks of tomato soup, some ketchup, a very tomato heavy salad, a big tub of salsa, and a few pints of tomato juice.

Buy some Rennies and tortillas.

Chop em up, freeze them to make tomato sauce when you get back

Neighborhood wide caprese salad celebration

Take shovel and bury them.

Come back to tomato farm.



Give them to people, then they will owe you a favor in return. You can manipulate your whole neighborhood with 72 tomatoes.

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“More tomato?”

If you’ve got an hour that throw some olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic and oregano on them and put them in the oven for around 40 minutes and then strain it to make a tomato sauce. Then you can freeze it while you’re gone, i like to do it in batches so i can unfreeze only the amount i want.

Well, son, guess you better start eating

Freeze them. You can just blanch them later (super easy to do) and make spaghetti sauce or salsa or soup!

Sounds like you have a lot of free tomatoes to give away

Freeze em for sauce when you get back.

Freeze them and then make pasta sauce when you get home.

Give them to someone who needs them.

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