I really dislike RGB

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Shut off that CPU display. It has red, green, and blue in it

Can you set the AIO to Greyscale?

*Processing gif u5p0ctgyjfce1…*

I exactly see R, G and B on the AIO.


But youโ€™re cool with throwing a Nest thermostat in there?

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What’s that case?

wheres the psu? under mb?

Ya that cooler has rbg so you gotta trash it

I’m not a fan either, so I have set all of my RGB to a muted purple (my wife will let me buy anything, as long as it’s purple).

Looks like a RGB display to me!

Cool story

Do you feel special?

comment image?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07acc4b499e8db4b01eff1ab7e1108dc80169a5d

when you find out how your monitor displays an image

Says the person with an lcd in it lmao ๐Ÿคฃ

You are so cool, wowย 


Nice GPU sag.

understandable, have a good day

Cool thing about RGB is you can turn it off. I only turn it on when I have people over so they can be wowed by the pretty lights. Otherwise it’s distracting as hell when I’m actually doing something.

Great pc but your gpu looks a bit sagging

and the crowd goes mild

Anti-RGB people are like the vegans of the PC building community. They have to make sure *everyone* knows it.

I don’t care about RGB either, I don’t even have a case with tempered glass.

Like the looks. BTW what’s the name of the case ?

mesh side panel, and you’re golden. Then put that computer under the desk where no one can see it.

And you decided to base your personality on that?

I think your GPU dislikes having no support.

People are really hating on this guy because he doesn’t like having godawful garish colours flashing brightly every 5 seconds

lol dude is just sharing his build with his own personal preferences and somehow people in here are triggered by it. Itโ€™s not like heโ€™s shitting on people who like to use rgb.

Are you also vegan?

I really dislike pick meโ€™s and sagging GPUs


Looks very clean.

Why do you have it then?

This looks depressing

That AIO hurts my eyes, remove it and change it to non-RGB

It’s funny how weirdly attacked people felt by this post, the comments are so defensive

Same, I don’t even have a glass sidepanel




What case?

What case is this?

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