I received a plaque for 10 years at my corporate job. I took it apart and put my Charizard in it instead

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26 years > 10 years

A man with his priorities straight.

comment image?width=6936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1329359337aad8f41932983d2abb0b5aec8778c9

I did similar with mine. (was told against tho)

A true award fit for a champion who has battled in many battles!

Now THAT’s a slab.

This may damage your card over time–if there is sufficient pressure the paper can actually stick to the plastic and tear apart when you try to remove it. Happened all the time with baseball cards stored in old school screw down holders. If you’re set on displaying it this way they sell screw down holders with recessed pockets so the card isn’t squashed by the two plates.

Can I see the rest of your bookshelf?

And all thing are right I the world

Without reading the whole caption, I thought your company awarded you with a Plaque of Charizard Card.

To get an award that cool, you must be the best there ever was.

I immediately took mine apart and used it as a frame too. It’s so meaningless for a company who doesn’t value you to give you a gold star “good job for still working here” cheap-ass plaque. Like, geez, I think most people would appreciate even a $20 lunch more.

The only correct choice in this scenario to be honest! Seriously though, that looks super cool!!!

now, how much would you sell it?

How much does that one sell for? Sick plaque by the way

In contrast to the original contents, this is actually worth something.

Best use of free will

I thought you received charizard for a second ahahah

Sell it to that dude that the wife wants to divorce

I hope op is being paid fairly as you get ripped off staying at jobs too long

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I would put a sleeve on it

This is hilarious.


Good idea (probably getting fired tho lol)

I love this

W move.

What did you do with the certificate?

A far better use.


Charizard: For Outstanding Service!

O nah its actually an old version please sleeve that shit up

Now this is genius

MUCH better use!

That title made me crack up. Also, great Charizard

Much better use of that plaque

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