I remember seeing this post before, but the first time I’m seeing the baby was named Oaklynn Shae.

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I can’t imagine being a grandma at 32 years old. 💀

i am again weirded out more by the math than the name.

why are families like this bragging about multiple generations of teen pregnancy?

not trying to vilify anyone but if you become a teen parent, wouldn’t you want your child to avoid that at all costs? like, here we have a girl who gave birth at 17, whose mom had her at 15, whose mom had her at 18, whose mom had her at 20 (one non-teen mom, yay) whose mom had her at 16.

this is not something to advertise as a good thing, seriously.

Oh my, the grandma is younger than me and she is a grandma🙃 Yes, the generations of teen pregnancy is not something to advertise

86 have birth at 16

70 gave birth at 20

50 gave birth at 18

32 gave birth at 15

And then 17 year old just gave birth

5 generations and only one of them is (barely) not a teen mom

Imagine being a grandparent at 32. She could easily be the mother of the baby and the circle would have been broken.

Another teen mom is born. Sad

This may sound judgmental, but the mother’s shirt saying “promoted to mommy” kinda makes me sad 🫤 like it must have seemed almost inevitable for her to continue this cycle. They all see it as a “promotion”, but it’s missing out on a normal young adulthood.

Generational teenage pregnancy. Nice. I’m sure they’re great, I’m not going to make any assumptions about them or their parenting. However, myself and most 17 year olds I knew when I was young absolutely would have made for terrible parents lmfao shit I’m 33 and I still think I would make for a terrible parent 😂 I can’t imagine

As if becoming a mother, when still being a teenager is a good thing. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Great great great grandma Sally Davidson had a baby at 16, great great grandma Patsy Davidson had a baby at 20, great grandma Tonya Anders had a baby at 18, grandma Arista Anders had a baby at 15 and mommy Lillianna Anders had a baby at 17. I hope all of them finished highschool and got a proper job.

Thorynn Oakenshae

EDIT: Hobbit reference

Fuck it, I’ll ask…

Is..is this a cult church thing where it’s just one pastor who’s the dad-husband to all of them?

Am I going crazy or are all their faces smoothed out?

At least Patsy tried to wait a little longer

Unapologetically asking where are the fathers?

the sentence was so long they forgot what they were doing with it. looks like they were going to have something like “newest member has all of the older members here to welcome her!” or something but they just went and listed everyone’s age and didn’t read it back to remember how it started so they listed the baby again and cut off the sentence

Had an acquaintance back in college that was ‘so proud’ she reached her 18th birthday before becoming a mom. Apparently teenage pregnancy is the ‘norm’ in their family.

Not applauding teen motherhood at all 😳, just making an observation.

There are six solid generations here, no cuspers (except for the baby):

86 – A Silent

70- A Boomer

50- A Gen X

32- A Millennial

17- A Gen Z

0- Gen Alpha

They didn’t miss a single generation demo.

I’m more caught on the ages… The oldest one to give birth was 20…

Holy hell. A grandmother at age 32?!? And the baby is alive at the same time as its great-great-great-grandmother?

6 generations of teen pregnancy?!

What in the country-fried fuck?

This is the living iteration of generational poverty. Children having children.

My mom was 38 when she had me.

Having lived in the Bay Area, I cannot fathom why people keep naming their children fucking OAKLAND!!!

The fact that all of them had a child at such a young age says a lot about why this child has a stupid ass name. Generations of unintelligence being passed down here.

Reminds me of the bill burr bit about big family pictures, “you took an ecological disaster and you framed it!”

Is this photo edited or is their skin really that good

When my family did a picture like this of 5 generations, there were no teen moms. Just early 20s moms.

The baby’s name is the least tragic thing about this photo.

I’m not sure what’s more concerning, the tragedeigh or the age between each generation. Like we have a 16 year old mom in the oldest, a 20 year old mom in the next (the least concerning), an 18 year old mom (slightly more concerning than the last but not as bad as the others), a 15 year old mom and then a 17 year old mom to the baby. God help poor little Oaklynn Shae. Maybe she’ll be able to break the family curse and wait until she’s in her mid to late 20s at least before having a baby. I am concerned for every generation of women in that family.

I don’t suppose they sell many “cool great great great grandma” t-shirts

It’s a cycle. Hope Oaklann breaks that.

Being proud of teenagers getting pregnant is a flex?

My oldest is 17 and I’m several years older than the grandma. I would feel old from this but I know better.

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