I said it!

By Jeshuuu
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Good to know I’m not the only one

There are aspects of Friends that are much funnier than anything Seinfeld ever came up with. Chandler’s sardonic wit and sarcasm are almost unmatched on TV – you have to look outside sitcoms to shows like House M.D. to find that sort of verbal wit.

This is not some new, hot take. People have been saying Friends isn’t funny for as long as it’s been around. People say the same thing about The Office. Some people find these shows funny and other people don’t…it’s almost like different people have different opinions on what’s funny.

Some of it is. Some of it isn’t. I havent seen much of it.

It needed to be said.

Finally someone said it

It was so boring, that I didn’t notice that Jennifer Aniston wasn’t wearing a bra.

I find it amusing, which I do for most sitcoms. It’s rare that I laugh.

a lot of TV ain’t funny if you take out the laugh tracks….

It’s not just funny, it’s hilarious

Line that isn’t funny

Laugh track.

Comeback that also isn’t funny

Laugh track

It’s a bad show, always was

Could this meme BE any more wrong?

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