I see little difference only history starting to repeat itself

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It’s gonna take a few more “incidents” to make real changes. I’m not advocating murder, but 300+ million people could make a lot more noise about the situation IRL than they’re doing now. We have our examples in history all around, ppl just need to GAF enough to get out from behind the screens and start activism.

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes” – Mark Twain.

Sitting on Reddit fantasising isn’t going to bring a revolution. The people of the past had more tenacity.

Not sure if it’s interesting but definitely overdue

How is this “interesting”????

Ah yes, the French Revolution… The series of violent actions that led to…

Mass killings of innocents, mass starvation, the rise of one of history’s biggest tyrants, and a new age of imperialism.

That’s what y’all want repeated?

#Made with mematic

Left picture:

– lawful
– systematic killing of political oppositions no matter what they did or didn’t do
– over 10,000 killed

Right picture:

– unlawful
– premeditated killing of a CEO of the company that denied his health insurance claim
– 1 killed

Pretty massive differences if you asked me 🤷🏻‍♂️

I thought this chart comparing wealth distribution in the US today with France in the buildup to their revolution was interesting.

[view chart]comment image)

Ya the French revolution didn’t turn out that well if you read up on your history. Not what we should aspire to.

Right now it’s a lone gunman, not a movement or a trend. I think people are being a bit delusional. There’s no proof this started something yet

Actually the bourgeoisie mostly supported the revolution, because they were 3rd Estate. The Nobles were the 2nd and the Clergy the 1st. The Nobles and of course the King got the short end of the stick at the end.

IAF with mematic….ok

I’m not American, so I am just here observing – but why aren’t you all out in the street protesting in support of your hero? I don’t see a “movement” here, I see people saying shit on the Internet.

While I share I similar sentiment, I take no comfort in knowing that the French Revolution ate itself several times over. Not many who started it lived to see its end.

Then you have a meme level understanding of the French Revolution.

Pretty close.

It doesn’t take much smartness to make average Americans to forget about domestic problems and focus on hating some random evil country chosen by their politicians

And in the following chaos, so many people die.

You know like 80% of those that died in the revolution were of lower class right? A lot of you wouldn’t see the end.

Posted by a bot account. lmao

Some people say violence isn’t gonna change anything. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but Anthem sure changed their mind on anesthesia real fast.

Here is some other interesting history repeating itself stuff from recent news

Very wealthy individual associated with innovative car design throws support to far right German political party

The French didn’t elect a billionaire as leader of their country via the popular vote

Americans are getting legitimately delusional. It’s a bit concerning

Trying way too hard, comrade

On the left, they’re doing it in an “official” way. On the right, he has to be alone and hide.

LMAO it’s so amusing to see gringos thinking they are revolutionary now LOL. You live oppressed by an oligarchy with the biggest military in the world and the most brainwashed population ever by propaganda. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You guys won’t do shit about it!

Yeah- not many ppl have the balls to do what he did- everyone is to scared of pissing off rich ppl- it’s what they depend on.

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