I see the vision

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and for other times of the year you could just put a round table on it and put some decorations and things on it

The previous owner used it to display a bronze sculpture of themself fighting a bear.

There’s so much I’d do with this specific space tearing it out would be a crime against taste

Those stairs would make for a really awesome family photo spot, too. Depending on the size of the family.

You could put a number of seasonal displays there all around the year. Keep that shit

I’d take out the railing and put in a small trampoline in the floor. Someone breaking into my house at night wouldn’t know what to do when I come running down the stairs and leap onto the trampoline and I’m now flying at them like a spider monkey.

On Halloween you could put one of those animatronic skeletons from spirit Halloween there

I WILL be placing a 1:1.5 scale bronze statue of myself right there, i will NEVER mention it, i will NEVER regret the debt it will put me in and it WILL be beautiful

It’s the holiday spot; a giant Easter bunny, a 10 ft skeleton, a dancing Santa. The possibilities are endless!

If you are Jewish, a dreidel.

Giant skeleton

Might I suggest a medium sized dinosaur statue?

Warhammer/Gunpla display area

Put a statue of a falmer on it like in Skyrim

A good place for Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely One-Man Band in residence.

It is exactly purpose built for a Christmas Tree. It even has a plug in the floor for the lights.

Good spot for an iron man suit during the off season.

Giant chicken statue also a giant cock

Literally the holiday decoration corner, any holiday coming up or current just put it there.

Do Americans not dance around the Christmas tree singing songs?

Cats would love this

full size predator statue

And also prom pictures

Is this AI? I just assume every slightly interesting and unusual architecture is AI now.

My vision: Tear out the platform and the steps on the right, put a tree there instead.

a little! fountain there

Full size T-800 Endoskeleton with red eyes that glow at night.

I would keep it and the rest of the year have a removable section of stairs with or without a railing in the middle to replace the other two extant railings so it’s all one giant tapering staircase.

Why don’t people here just go on twitter? I swear every reddit post i see is just something i saw on twitter 2 days ago. It’s not that scary

Ok but they have no handrails where they need them the most

I’d reenact the end of “Titanic” every year with those stairs

LITERALLY the best spot, not to be confused with… The best spot

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